[esip-semantictech] NOAA Ontologies

Pier Buttigieg pbuttigi at mpi-bremen.de
Wed Jun 20 03:51:12 EDT 2018

Hi Justin,

While not a NOAA ontology, ENVO has begun to express oceanographic 
standards like CMECS (after a dialogue with their team). I'll be 
processing, unpacking, adding more CMECS content through the next few 
months. For example: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/ENVO_01001329

We're also working with a small team from GOOS, UNESCO/IOC, JCOMM, 
SOCIB, IEEE, AWI, and GEOMAR to get the EOVs in ENVO and linked to the 
various systems the ontology encodes.

We do have some atmospheric content too. But this is less systematic.

Do let me know if there's anything in the environmental domain you'd 
like us to encode (e.g. standard classifications used by NOAA) or if 
NOAA would like us to help train a few of its staff to co-edit the 
relevant sections of the ontology (probably faster).


PS: ENVO is strongly linked to the United Nations SDG Interface Ontology 
which we develop in collaboration with UN Environment. In the SDGIO, we 
are weaving the strategic and societal goals of various organisations 
(e.g. the CGIAR and AWI) into the SDG framework. It may be interesting 
to get NOAA on the map.

On 19/06/2018 22:35, Justin Goldstein - NOAA Affiliate via 
esip-semanticweb wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>    I'm looking at ontologies either created by NOAA or for NOAA.  I 
> found the following descriptions or overviews:
>   * IOOS:
>     https://ioos.noaa.gov/data/contribute-data/ontologies-common-vocabularies-identifiers/
>   * IOCM:
>     https://iocm.noaa.gov/iwg/aug_2012/August2012_OCM_Inventory_Ontology_Fox.pdf
>   * oegov (seems to no longer be maintained): http://oegov.us/
> In addition to ones that relate to NOAA but which aren't directly for or 
> by NOAA, e.g., BCO-DMO.
> Are there other (commonly-used) ontologies that exist that "belong" to 
> NOAA or which were designed for NOAA?
> Thanks a ton.
> Justin
> -- 
> ________________________
> Justin Goldstein, Ph.D.
> Research Analyst
> Technology, Planning and Integration for Observation (TPIO) Division;
> NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service 
> Employed By Riverside Technology
>   * 1335 East-West Highway Room 5305
>   * Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA
>   *
> (301) 427-2564
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