[esip-semantictech] [EXTERNAL] Re: NASA GCMD Keywords Version 9.0 Released (2019-11-12)

Stevens, Tyler B. (GSFC-423.0)[Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies] tyler.b.stevens at nasa.gov
Tue Jan 28 08:51:42 EST 2020


This discussion is very timely. I have been tasked in our upcoming Program Increment (PI) to compile a list of data formats and put them forward for an ESO review. This will give the DAACs and others users to provide additional input.  I am going to be looking at the list in the google sheet that you provided below, the actual values in CMR records, and other sources.

Are you all already talking to some of the DAACs about this? I don't want to duplicate efforts here, but rather coordinate them.


Tyler Stevens
KBR | Senior Discipline Engineer, NASA EED-2

Office: 301-851-8113 | Tyler.B.Stevens at nasa.gov


From: esip-semanticweb <esip-semanticweb-bounces at lists.esipfed.org> on behalf of Siri Jodha Khalsa via esip-semanticweb <esip-semanticweb at lists.esipfed.org>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2020 8:15 AM
To: John Scialdone <jscialdo at ciesin.columbia.edu>; esip-semanticweb at lists.esipfed.org <esip-semanticweb at lists.esipfed.org>; Shannon Leslie <shannon.leslie at nsidc.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [esip-semantictech] NASA GCMD Keywords Version 9.0 Released (2019-11-12)

Hi John,

I agree, it would be good to have the DAACs compile their list of formats. Ideally, there would be a shared spreadsheet, where each DAAC would check against what was already there, to avoid have the same format called different things.

I've taken the GCMD list and assigned encodings to all that I could identify.  The categories are ASCII, Binary, Image, Library (i.e. associated with a software library like HDF), and Proprietary (which is somewhat of a mixed bag, could be ASCII or Binary, open or closed).

The spreadsheet is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Lt7hl-_NKbp37FZkQ870b9c9LhlS39ZMq1N-UZdPUp8/edit?usp=sharing<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__docs.google.com_spreadsheets_d_1Lt7hl-2D-5FNKbp37FZkQ870b9c9LhlS39ZMq1N-2DUZdPUp8_edit-3Fusp-3Dsharing&d=DwMD-g&c=ApwzowJNAKKw3xye91w7BE1XMRKi2LN9kiMk5Csz9Zk&r=ClhE-fOXVws9KIK2m9XESFX-807X65oCtO3rphfxx2E&m=xcSlh_W-AUb3kYKMHNoIRB28B29Cfh63qt6y43A-Q6Y&s=QaiYzqCbDPCVilD-lUozx6KSJlLhK5-w4XZ9WwgiWIw&e=>

Feedback, corrections, additions welcome. I'll give edit permission as requested.



On 1/11/20 12:04 AM, John Scialdone wrote:
Siri Jodha,

We've been kicking around the the Data Format Controlled Vocabulary list as well. We had a call with Valerie, Tyler and Scott recently about inconsistencies in this list. One of the goals of this list (from ARC team review of our metadata) was to help users understand the software needed to read/use the data. We suggested to add a field to this structure whereby values such as "ESRI", "Microsoft", "QGIS", "Adobe", "Google" etc. could be associated with a format. I think it would be a good exercise for all the DAACs to generate a list of formats they use and associated s/w, then bring them together over some telecons, face to face meetings, and thru tracking this effort via the Earthdata wiki, to eventually help generate a more well-thought-out list.


On 1/10/2020 4:08 PM, Siri Jodha Khalsa via esip-semanticweb wrote:

I'm curious whether the ESIP semantic community has any opinions on these two controlled vocabularies.

One question I have is why a measurement keyword list was necessary when GCMD already has the science keywords (a source for the original SWEET). i.e. why not integrate measurements (which are represented as variables in the science keywords) into the science keywords?

the data format list is even more perplexing to me. "incidence angle file" is a format? Georeferenced TIFF in addition to GeoTIFF?  DV? (digital value?) is a format?  KML as well as OGC KML? ASCII and text (what about unicode?) DEM, if this refers to digital elevation models with a .DEM extension from USGS, are ASCII files.

Many formats are subtypes of other formats listed. Wouldn't a better approach be to list the encodings (a much smaller list, which would tell users how to read the data with software) and then add the conventions that have been applied (e.g. CF for netCDF or GRIB for binary). For the encodings list, why not start with mime types?


On 11/12/19 5:00 PM, Stevens, Tyler B. (GSFC-423.0)[Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies] via esip-semanticweb wrote:

The NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) staff is pleased to announce the release of the GCMD keywords version 9.0. Version 9.0 consists of two new keyword schemes: (1) Measurement Name and (2) Granule Data Format.

The Measurement Name<https://gcmdservices.gsfc.nasa.gov/kms/concepts/concept_scheme/MeasurementName/?format=csv> list is a preliminary set of (~100) keywords that represent an observable property, usually geophysical, geo-biophysical, physical, or chemical. The Granule Data Format<https://gcmdservices.gsfc.nasa.gov/kms/concepts/concept_scheme/GranuleDataFormat/?format=csv> list of keywords represent the format of the data that is distributed by the data center.

The keywords help facilitate the classification and discovery of Earth Science data by providing a rich vocabulary for characterizing the data. The GCMD keywords are used by hundreds of data providers worldwide for categorizing the ~33,000 records stored in the Common Metadata Repository<http://earthdata.nasa.gov/cmr>.

For more information about the keywords and how to access them, please visit the Keyword Landing Page.<https://earthdata.nasa.gov/about/gcmd/global-change-master-directory-gcmd-keywords> Questions about the keywords can be submitted to support at earthdata.nasa.gov<mailto:support at earthdata.nasa.gov> or directed to Valerie Dixon at valerie.dixon at nasa.gov<mailto:valerie.dixon at nasa.gov>.

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Siri-Jodha Singh KHALSA, Ph.D., SMIEEE
National Snow and Ice Data Center
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0449 Phone: 1-303-492-1445 GV: 1-303-736-9976

esip-semanticweb mailing list
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John Scialdone
Manager, Data Center Services: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)
Project Lead: Jamaica Bay Research and Management Information Network (JBRMIN)
Project Lead: Jamaica Bay & Sandy Hook BioBlitz Events
Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
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Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)
61 Route 9W, PO Box 1000, Palisades, New York 10964 USA
Phone: (845) 365-8978; FAX: (845) 365-8922
Email: jscialdo at ciesin.columbia.edu<mailto:jscialdo at ciesin.columbia.edu>; jns74 at columbia.edu<mailto:jns74 at columbia.edu>
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Siri-Jodha Singh KHALSA, Ph.D., SMIEEE
National Snow and Ice Data Center
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO 80309-0449 Phone: 1-303-492-1445 GV: 1-303-736-9976

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