[Esip-soil-informatics] Meeting today - 24 Feb 2021 2300 UTC

Todd-Brown, Kathe kathe.toddbrown at essie.ufl.edu
Thu Feb 25 10:28:50 EST 2021

Greetings wordy soil folks,

We had a fantastic group of nine folks call in for this meeting. Kathe walked through the data descriptors on https://github.com/ESIPFed/SOI_harmonization . Mark S pointed out that a public URI should really be linked in the ‘thesaurus’ portion of the data descriptors (but I’m not quite sure I understood the point correctly here so please feel free to clarify/correct me). There was some back and forth on the specificity of the column names vs method descriptions that will be fun to continue to untangle in later conversations. How sampling and processing fit into these data descriptions and when we need to address them in the harmonization process is still an open issue.

Independent of these data descriptors, we are starting to collect representations of sample location, organic carbon, bulk density, and hydrologic connectivity in the Issues here: https://github.com/ESIPFed/SOI_harmonization/issues  We talked fairly extensively about what should be included in the location identification and horizon designation was proposed as a possible addition. If you work with a specific data product please feel free to add your descriptions. Current loose plan is that after we have 4-6 descriptions collected we’ll take a look at specific ontologies associated with individual measurements and see what needs to be extended to describe the data holdings.

Our next meeting is 10 March 2021 at 1700 UTC and will be a community presentation by Emilio Mayorga. Stay tuned for details!

As always, feel free to reach out to me (or the co-chairs!) with questions or suggestions for future cluster topics.
Kathe Todd-Brown
Assistant Professor
Environmental Engineering Sciences
University of Florida

From: Esip-soil-informatics <esip-soil-informatics-bounces at lists.esipfed.org> on behalf of "ESIP, soil info" <esip-soil-informatics at lists.esipfed.org>
Reply-To: "Todd-Brown, Kathe" <kathe.toddbrown at essie.ufl.edu>
Date: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 at 8:39 AM
To: "ESIP, soil info" <esip-soil-informatics at lists.esipfed.org>
Subject: [Esip-soil-informatics] Meeting today - 24 Feb 2021 2300 UTC

[External Email]

Just a reminder that we are meeting today (24 Feb 2021) at 2300 UTC.

We’ll be laying out this repository: https://github.com/ESIPFed/SOI_harmonization<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_ESIPFed_SOI-5Fharmonization&d=DwMGaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=cG4e22DhE_24WgV67TY07bX35Pu84XKMIq_1hkQnll4&m=ZqCziwIAEys4sFdOT-FLIIGQgH8I90mCcLEddsEwm_c&s=7UREgqs8Wp_9Uv06yOXVXfEoyIPoG4X4QIuDipPurqA&e=> and thinking a bit more about how we want to move forward to identify/extend/create ontologies to link to various aspects of soil data. This will be a working meeting.

See you later today!

Katherine Todd-Brown, PhD

Assistant Professor
Environmental Engineering Sciences
Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment
Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering
University of Florida

Office: Rm B006, Phelps Lab, UF main campus
Twitter: @KatheMathBio

Mail: Dr Kathe Todd-Brown
Center for Wetlands
PO Box 116350
Gainesville, FL 32611

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