[Esip-soil-informatics] ESIP SOI Cluster meeting

Todd-Brown, Kathe kathe.toddbrown at essie.ufl.edu
Fri Apr 2 07:22:33 EDT 2021

ESIP Soil ontology and informatics Cluster

Presentation from Kathi Schleidt and Tomáš Řezník

Soil properties modelling for Global Soil Information System (GloSIS)
Leveraging existing standardized models

  *   GloSIS introduction, requirements and use cases
  *   Status quo of soil properties modelling
     *   List of models analysed
     *   Focus on ISO 28258 and INSPIRE
  *   What is “interoperability” under European INSPIRE SDI perspective vs. exchange harmonized parameters following an agreed domain-specific nomenclature?
     *   General INSPIRE
     *   Emergence of ISO 28258 from INSPIRE
  *   GloSIS data model:
     *   Class diagrams detailing relevant spatial classes including observations thereon
     *   Additional UML structures to encapsulate the explicit requirements ensuing from GloSIS
     *   Transformation to semantic structure
  *   GloSIS data modelling outputs: UML class diagrams, codelists, XML schema, TTLs
  *   Governance - Data Provision Options
     *   Codelist registries (include cascade down to regional codelists)
     *   Data licencing
     *   Web services/Provision tools (potential for utilizing common tools)
  *   Data ingestion - import to central GloSIS repository for further analysis
  *   Open issues:
     *   Raster formats
     *   Serialization and provision options
  *   Conclusions

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