[Esip-soil-informatics] Recap 21 April 2021

Todd-Brown, Kathe kathe.toddbrown at essie.ufl.edu
Thu Apr 22 17:18:24 EDT 2021

Greetings ESIP Soils folks!

We had about 6 folks join us for a spirited discussion of the different projects that conversations that have been going on in the cluster over the last several months. We can pat ourselves on the back that we’ve gathered some very impressive international collection of how soil data is being worked with and described across a wide range of projects.

Particularly useful for me was to get my head around  skos (term-definition pairs) and rdf (richer relationship descriptions). Just to state the obvious here skos are easier to set up and easier to sell as an initial scope of work, where as a richer rdf/owl is a longer commitment and harder to sell without a demonstrated need (ie do the skos and then you demonstrate the need for the rdf/owl). I’m sure there are still things wrong there but it seems like a good start.

Brendon uncovered a really interesting vocabulary here https://www.soils.org/publications/soils-glossary/#<https://www.soils.org/publications/soils-glossary/> and Emilio M dropped a link to a new data paper on ksat here: https://essd.copernicus.org/articles/13/1593/2021/. Tanja and Irfan reminded folks that AQP might be another really good resource to keep in mind http://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/  for future works. I’m reaching out to some of the folks I know in sssa to figure out how the soils glossary is currently licensed and maybe collaborate in extending it.

I put in an ESIP proposal to talk about some of the work that a NASEM workshop I was involved with and since it’s related to the work done in this cluster I figured we could shamelessly merge the two. I’m still working out what exactly that will look like but it will probably be some combination of a summary of the data products covered in the NASEM listening sessions with the community presentations we’ve heard here in the cluster. Merged with a bit of a brainstorm on next steps for moving towards better semantic tools for soils.

Some logistics, for various reasons we need to set up two zoom rooms for the different meeting times. I’ve updated the google doc with the two links and these should line up with the ESIP calendar now. Please be sure to update any calendar reminders you might have set up. For those of you who want calendar invites, the google doc now has links to invites you can download!

As always here is the google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_SIm_3e9xpni_64zdAU1DZrFEd8YcIerbsihDJq4qwY/edit?usp=sharing

Our next presentation will be 1700 UTC on the 5th of May. Raul Palma from Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center will be speaking a bit more about GLOSIS. See you then!

Katherine Todd-Brown, PhD

Assistant Professor
Environmental Engineering Sciences
Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment
Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering
University of Florida

Office: Rm B006, Phelps Lab, UF main campus
Twitter: @KatheMathBio

Mail: Dr Kathe Todd-Brown
Center for Wetlands
PO Box 116350
Gainesville, FL 32611

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