[Esip-soil-informatics] GO FAIR workshop

Todd-Brown, Kathe kathe.toddbrown at essie.ufl.edu
Tue Jan 18 09:02:56 EST 2022

SDSC and the U.S. GO FAIR Coordination Office welcome applications for a four-session workshop, which will be held February 15 + 17, and March 1 + 3. Each session will be ~2.5 hours long. Sessions will be held mid-day Eastern time, and we hope participants will plan to attend all four sessions.

The workshop is designed to gather broad community input for a scoping report that will outline goals for a five-year target: What are achievable aims for implementing the FAIR principles across the academic, governmental, and non-governmental (NGO) R+D ecosystem? What kinds of research community-led initiatives and models are best suited to accelerate awareness and build new knowledge in the application of FAIR techniques in the U.S.?

We are seeking participation from a broad cross-section of the research community. We encourage applications from domain scientists, non-governmental research organizations, and research administrators involved in data service delivery.  Please feel free to share or send this on to other networks and communities.  There are opportunities for anyone interested to serve as a Breakout Facilitator, which come with a small stipend.

Dates: Feb 15 + 17, Mar 1 + 3
Venue: Virtual

Seats are limited, we welcome applications now: FAIR for US Workshop<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__forms.gle_EAAxeZDfcHQnsfii8&d=DwMGaQ&c=sJ6xIWYx-zLMB3EPkvcnVg&r=cG4e22DhE_24WgV67TY07bX35Pu84XKMIq_1hkQnll4&m=PbeVJeGUxd9zLyy8MIXm-Ox0pzk2V_fROJYfRsqZca6VXAw2BQ-7Z8ApHfu-jG0u&s=C_QPd_XLqE7ugGALAD3p8RWC9Jgpgi9xCYVqf_d7Sjs&e=>

Happy New Year, and
Best regards,

M. Cragin
Chief Strategist, Data Initiatives
Research Data Services
EarthCube Coordination Office; GO FAIR US; GOSC Policy Working Group

Katherine Todd-Brown, PhD

Assistant Professor
Environmental Engineering Sciences
Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment
Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering
University of Florida

Office: Rm 108, Phelps Lab, UF main campus
Twitter: @KatheMathBio

Mail: Dr Kathe Todd-Brown
Center for Wetlands
PO Box 116350
Gainesville, FL 32611

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