[Esip-sustainabledm] ESIP cluster, sustainable DM, call Friday 7/8

Margaret O'Brien margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu
Fri Jul 8 16:07:47 EDT 2016

yes, I'm here... I will try and see what's wrong...

Margaret O'Brien
Information Management
Marine Science Institute, UCSB
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
805-893-2071 (voice)

On 7/8/16 1:05 PM, Nancy Hoebelheinrich wrote:
> Is the call still on?  Says it's waiting for ESIP to sign in and start the meeting.
> N.
> Nancy J. Hoebelheinrich
> Information Analyst/Principal
> nhoebel at kmotifs.com
> San Mateo, CA  94401
> (v) 650-302-4493
> (f) 650-745-3333
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Esip-sustainabledm [mailto:esip-sustainabledm-bounces at lists.esipfed.org] On Behalf Of Margaret O'Brien via Esip-sustainabledm
> Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2016 2:53 PM
> To: esip-sustainabledm at lists.esipfed.org
> Subject: [Esip-sustainabledm] ESIP cluster, sustainable DM, call Friday 7/8
> Hi all -
> We have a call tomorrow -- the last one before the ESIP meeting. Here is the connection info:
> ====Second Friday of the month, 4PM EST====
> https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/618011013
> Agenda items:
> First - the poster about our cluster, due July 15 a general overview of our cluster and activities. All collaboration areas were asked to create these, the ESIP staff will print them.
>     Draft:
> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ciNoU4-Zr4IKmAyNIzE69hB9otmGMqBytedRBI-1WEY/edit?usp=sharing
> It should be editable by all
> Poster has two main features
> A. the role-based data ecosystem that Shelly and Erin created B. text in bullet pts for each of the three activity areas - mostly gleaned from the Tempe notes Hopefully - the graphic (small version is attached) helps tie things together - thanks Shelley and Erin. The text is reproduced below this msg, in case for some reason you cannot see the google link, but still want to approve content.
> Second agenda item:
> the meeting itself:
> questions:
> Gap session:
> do we have our speakers for Gap analysis? Margaret (self) and Matt have been on the calls, but I have not heard from Kerstin. Cynthia, have you?
> ROI session:
> several people who have been on that project have said they won't be able to attend on Thursday (Anne, Nancy). Without them, what are we doing at that session?
> --------
> Text from the poster:
> Develop a framework for describing the Return on Investment (ROI) in data repositories
> Goal:
> Quantitative and qualitative methods for studying ROI
> Initial task: Literature review of what has already been done in this area. Summarize and discuss (Summer 2016):
> Categories of repository stakeholders
> Reason(s) for carrying out the analysis
> How were similarities/differences among data repositories defined or discussed?
> How is value to stakeholders defined / discussed?
> What metrics used to measure the value?
> Consistent repository design focused on sustaining data, rather than the repositories themselves
> Goals:
> Sustainability of data, not the repositories themselves Better adherence to standards, robust interoperability in spite of dependencies Unified framework, e.g., an implementation plan sitting above the OAIS reference model
> Initial task: compile a list of existing frameworks and architecture
> Describe the landscape of data services offered by repositories and identify gaps
> Goals:
> Define features of repositories, e.g., strengths, communities served, connections among them Understand their approaches to cross-repository shared infrastructure, services and tools Determine where users may require improved services Help users to decide what repositories match their needs
> Initial task: examine COPDESS, re3data
> --
> -----------
> Margaret O'Brien
> Information Management
> Marine Science Institute, UCSB
> Santa Barbara, CA 93106
> 805-893-2071 (voice)
> http://sbc.lternet.edu

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