[Esip-sustainabledm] FW: [ESIP-all] Summer meeting - limited travel funding for session speakers

Anne Wilson Anne.Wilson at lasp.colorado.edu
Tue Mar 28 19:26:44 EDT 2017

Hi all,

It occurs to me that we could invite Beagrie to the summer meeting.   Though I don’t think $1K would cover his travel expenses from UK…    But maybe he’d be interested anyway.    I see he has a web site and consults: https://www.beagrie.com/, so perhaps he would cover the balance.   (in my fantasy world)


From: ESIP-all on behalf of "esip-all at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-all at lists.esipfed.org>"
Reply-To: Helen Conover
Date: Monday, March 27, 2017 at 1:56 PM
To: "esip-all at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-all at lists.esipfed.org>"
Subject: [ESIP-all] Summer meeting - limited travel funding for session speakers

Hi ESIP folks,

As you are planning your summer meeting sessions — a limited amount of funding is available to support external speakers for breakout sessions at the ESIP Summer meeting.  Session organizers at ESIP Winter and Summer meetings may request travel support for guest speakers at their sessions, provided these speakers are recognized experts in their fields and are not associated with an ESIP member organization - people who wouldn’t normally attend and who will add real value to the session.  Total travel funding for this purpose will not exceed $1000 per Committee, Working Group, Cluster or other session organizer.  In addition, meeting registration for guest speakers will be waived.

Travel funding requests should identify session and speaker(s); describe speaker’s expertise, value to session, sponsoring cluster, working group or committee, and ESIP as a whole; and relevance to the meeting theme.  Requests should also identify how the guest speaker’s expertise will be shared with ESIP community members who are not able to attend the session, for example:

Presentation will be recorded and posted on ESIP web site for others to access.
  *   Speaker or session organizer will post a blog about the session on the ESIP web site.

If more travel funds are requested than are available, funds will be allocated to session organizers by lottery.  Meeting registration for up to 10 session speakers who do not receive travel support or who are local to the meeting area may also be waived.

Session organizers should submit travel funding requests to esip-ficom at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-ficom at lists.esipfed.org>by April 10.


- Helen — for FiCom


Helen Conover
helen.conover at uah.edu<mailto:helen.conover at uah.edu>256-961-7807
Global Hydrology Resource Center DAAC
Information Technology and Systems Center
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Huntsville, AL 35899

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