[Esip-sustainabledm] Fwd: [Esip-ficom] Request for travel support for external expert - Neil Beagrie

Margaret O'Brien margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu
Tue May 16 12:01:43 EDT 2017

Hi all -
ESIP has approved our request for funds to invite Beagrie. They are
offering $1000, and no registration fee. Anne - do you want to get in touch
with them?


Margaret O'Brien
ORCID: 0000-0002-1693-8322
Information Management
Marine Science Institute, UCSB
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
805-893-2071 (voice)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Conover, Helen <HConover at itsc.uah.edu>
Date: Tue, May 16, 2017 at 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Esip-ficom] Request for travel support for external expert -
Neil Beagrie
To: "margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu" <margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu>
Cc: "ESIP-ficom at lists.esipfed.org" <ESIP-ficom at lists.esipfed.org>, Rebecca
Koskela <rkoskela at unm.edu>, James Gallagher <jgallagher at opendap.org>,
Liping Di <ldi at gmu.edu>, "Conover, Helen" <HConover at itsc.uah.edu>, Erin
Robinson <erinrobinson at esipfed.org>

Hi Margaret,

ESIP FiCom is happy to approve your request for up to $1000 travel funding
and discounted meeting registration for Neil Beagrie to speak at the
Sustainable Data Management session at the Summer ESIP meeting in

Apologies for the delay in responding to your request.  We have had
occasional difficulties with the esip-ficom mailing list and are looking
for a more reliable alternative.  Thanks for following up with Rebecca.

Please work with Erin and the ESIP Staff on setting up the flow of funds.

- Helen

Helen Conover       hconover at itsc.uah.edu
Global Hydrology Resource Center DAAC
Information Technology and Systems Center
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Huntsville, AL 35899
Voice:  256-961-7807 <(256)%20961-7807>   FAX:  256-824-5149

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Margaret O'Brien <margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu>
Date: Mon, May 15, 2017 at 8:50 AM
Subject: Fwd: Request for travel support for external expert - Neil Beagrie
To: Rebecca Koskela <rkoskela at unm.edu>

Hi Rebecca -
Here is the request; in text and as a pdf attachement. As far as I know, we
went through the right channels - I hope so!
I had a short discussion with Bruce over slack, about this as well. he
encouraged me to attend the visioneers call, but I had a conflict.

thanks for checking in!


Margaret O'Brien
ORCID: 0000-0002-1693-8322
Information Management
Marine Science Institute, UCSB
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
805-893-2071 <(805)%20893-2071> (voice)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Margaret O'Brien <margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu>
Date: Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 2:37 PM
Subject: Request for travel support for external expert - Neil Beagrie
To: esip-ficom at lists.esipfed.org

Hello -
The Sustainable Data Management Cluster is requesting funds to bring an
external expert to the ESIP meeting. We think that this person would also
be a good candidate for a keynote speaker. Our request in below (inline),
with the same text attached as a PDF.

Thank you for your consideration,
Margaret O'Brien (chair)
Sponsoring Cluster: Sustainable Data Management (chair: Margaret O’Brien,
margaret.obrien at ucsb.edu)

Session: Sustainable Data Management, Return on Investment

Value to Cluster: Beagrie and his colleagues have focused specifically on
the difficult and nuanced question of how to determine the return on
investment of a data center, and may be the preeminent leaders in this area
in the world today. The cluster has relied heavily on their writings in
order to develop useful frameworks for determining RoI of our own data
repositories and centers.

Value to ESIP as a whole: Continued availability is fundamental to all
aspects of “making data matter”, and so the ability to sustain data
repositories and their content is critical.  Although repository users
depend on the services they offer, the value of the provision of same is
poorly understood and often underappreciated. In a climate of increasing
data volumes with anticipated level or reduced funding, the demand on data
repositories rapidly becomes untenable, and so the ability to determine
their value to stakeholders is more urgent than ever.

Relevance to meeting theme: This speaker is an expert in the relationships
between data management and stakeholders, and so well positioned to address
the meeting theme of “connecting users to data”. This speaker has the
potential to advance ESIP’s mechanisms for calculating the real value of
the data and related support services that form ESIP’s basis. Beagrie, et
al (e.g., 2014), have also shown that the process of RoI determination has
the positive side effect of helping users better appreciate the value that
a data center gives them.

The data products and services offered by environmental data centers have a
variety of stakeholders, including researchers, educators, public
officials, emergency responders, funding agencies, policy makers and the
general public.  The ability to measure the value of data products and
services to these diverse groups gives digital repositories and data
centers the capability to demonstrate their contributions. ESIP’s
Sustainable Data Management Cluster began in late 2015, with a goal to
foster the sustainability of data management activities by increased
collaboration and coordination among data service providers such as ESIP’s
repositories and data archives. A major focus of the Cluster has been to
develop a framework for calculating the Return on Investment (RoI) for our
repositories’ data-related services so that their value to stakeholders can
be accurately computed. The RoI group has been active at ESIP meetings
since its inception (summarized under References).

Data center RoI calculation is complex because of the wide variety of
centers, their levels of maturity, the highly varying natures of the
datasets they offer, and the variety of user needs and expectations. Some
calculations are relatively straightforward (e.g., direct payments or costs
for storage), whereas others are very difficult to determine, e.g., future
potential use, societal impact, and time saved by researchers. The Beagrie
group is an independent management consultant specializing digital
archives, library, science and research data management (
https://www.beagrie.com/). Their areas of expertise include strategy and
policy, business planning, stakeholder engagement, and evaluation and
impact assessment. The group has authored several white papers, and our
ESIP cluster has employed some of their methods in its exploration of a
framework for calculating RoI for environmental data repositories.

We request funds to bring Neil Beagrie to speak at our session at the ESIP
summer meeting. Dr. Beagrie is a recognized expert in the field of
evaluating digital curation, digital preservation and e-Research, and is
not associated with an ESIP member organization. His work has significantly
informed the progress of the Sustainable Data Management Cluster, and would
add significant value to the session. Although our request is for a working
session with Beagrie to advance the Cluster’s work, we expect that his
insights are of interest to a broad range of meeting participants, and that
he would be an excellent candidate for a plenary talk (thereby increasing
the RoI of his visit).

Beagrie, et al. 2014. New Research: The value and impact of data curation
and sharing. https://blog.beagrie.com/2014/04/02/new-research-the-value-a
nd-impact-of-data-curation-and-sharing/ (webpage accessed 2017-04-06)

Sustainable Data Mgt Cluster. 2016a. Notes: Return on Investment Subgroup
(ESIP Winter Meeting Jan 2016). http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.
php/Return_on_Investment_Subgroup_(ESIP_Winter_Meeting_Jan_2016) (webpage
accessed 2017-04-06)

Sustainable Data Mgt Cluster. 2016b. A Framework to Evaluate the Return on
Investment (ROI) of a Data Repository. http://commons.esipfed.org/node/9133
(webpage accessed 2017-04-06)

Sustainable Data Mgt Cluster. 2017a. Measuring the Value of Data.
http://commons.esipfed.org/node/9526 (webpage accessed 2017-04-06)

Sustainable Data Mgt Cluster. 2017b. Return on Investment Workshop Jan
25-26 2017 Tempe AZ.

hop_Jan_25-26_2017_Tempe_AZ (webpage accessed 2017-04-06)

Margaret O'Brien
Information Management
Marine Science Institute, UCSB
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
805-893-2071 (voice)

Esip-ficom mailing list
Esip-ficom at lists.esipfed.org
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