[Esip-sustainabledm] Meeting tomorrow, Guest Speaker Katie Jones, "Indigenizing your research: Recommendations from the Earth Data Relations Working Group to Implement Indigenous Data Governance across Earth Sciences"

Joseph Gum jgum at ucar.edu
Thu Nov 14 14:42:43 EST 2024

Hello all,

We will be welcoming in Katie Jones from NEON, lead author for the poster
"Indigenizing your research: Recommendations from the Earth Data Relations
Working Group to Implement Indigenous Data Governance across Earth
Sciences". She'll be talking about the poster and work the Earth Data
Relations Working Group has been doing - I know some here are already
familiar with the group and have their names on the poster, but others may
not know.

If there's time we will talk about the transition away from the Sustainable
Data Management name and to the new Data Sovereignty name, likely
coinciding with Winter ESIP. We have a session proposal for an Winter ESIP
town hall on data sovereignty which can be as open or as structured as we'd
like to make it.

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