[Esip-visioneers] ESIP Visioneers today, Nov 16! (special post-election version)

Bill Teng william.l.teng at nasa.gov
Wed Nov 16 18:26:52 EST 2016

Some post-telecon (and post-election) thoughts and related discussions 
within the Ag & Climate Cluster.

- I agree with Steve (I think it was he) who, in the early part of the 
telecon, said ESIP should not worry too much about being non-partisan. 
We don't know what's "non-partisan." ESIP should just do what is right, 
as it has always striven to do.
- Are CRT Case Studies, as told stories about climate impacts, partisan? 
Could be, to some. If so, then the Ag & Climate Cluster's planned 3rd 
CRT Workshop at the Winter Meeting is going to be a partisan affair. :-)
- What really stood out from all the post-election analyses is how 
fundamental story telling was to the end result. He told a story that 
emotionally connected, regardless of all the other awful things. She 
told a story that didn't connect (enough), regardless of all the great 
supporting data.
- The ongoing discussion within the Ag & Climate Cluster is whether and 
how we should modify our CRT Workshop in response to last week. One 
thought is to expand the initial Intro segment or add a segment at the 
end, to discuss "science communication," what it currently does and does 
not do, and what changes are needed. There's a 5-minute Ken Burns video 
on story telling we're planning to show during the intro segment.
- Do CRT Case Studies, as is, connect with the audiences that really 
matter, audiences beyond even the intended end users--and, yes, beyond 
the theme of this Winter Meeting? Is the "basic story" (i.e., this 
happened, then that happened, ..., oh, but then, ...) sufficient? Does 
it need to be more like this happened that the audience cared about, 
then that happened that the audience cared about, ..., oh, but then, ...
- Is it the proper role for ESIP to try to reach beyond the "end users"?
- There will be some (probably in the minority) at the January meeting 
who have contrary views about last week. And, some are quite vocal about 
their views. But, they will be there, because, I think, they also 
support ESIP. As Erin said, it will be a good opportunity to engage. To 
engage and learn, so we can become better story tellers.

Would love to hear your thoughts! Thanks.


On 11/16/2016 12:36 PM, Steve Diggs via Esip-visioneers wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Please join us on the Visioneers call this afternoon, starting at  12 
> PT/1 MT/2 CT/3 ET.
> Denise and I will be co-leading the call today.
> As a teaser, the change in political winds that occurred last week may 
> or may not affect topics covered at future ESIP gatherings.  Part of 
> today’s call will be dedicated to your opinions on how ESIP meetings 
> should proceed in light of the change in Legislative and Executive 
> direction.
> Connection information:
> https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/489557493 
> <https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/489557493>
>         You can also dial in using your phone. United States +1 (872) 
> 240-3412 <tel:%2B1%20%28872%29%20240-3412> Access Code: 489-557-493
> Link to ongoing notes: https://goo.gl/j2NnDW
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* Bill Teng, Ph.D.                   |  William.L.Teng at nasa.gov        *
* Goddard Earth Sciences DISC        |  (301) 614-5164 (voice)         *
* (ADNET Systems, Inc.)              |  (301) 614-5268 (fax)           *
* NASA Goddard Space Flight Center   |  http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov/     *
* Code 610.2                         |                                 *
* Greenbelt. MD. 20771  U.S.A.       |                                 *

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