[Esip-citationguidelines] Response requested for our winter session

Parsons, Mark parsom3 at rpi.edu
Thu Jan 2 19:57:44 EST 2020

Hi all,

I have updated the session description with the latest:

Looking forward to seeing many of you next week.



On 19 Dec 2019, at 12:00, Parsons, Mark via Esip-citationguidelines <esip-citationguidelines at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-citationguidelines at lists.esipfed.org>> wrote:

Hi folks,

We had a good call today to plan out our session at winter meeting. Please review and comment on the following and note that some people have been voluntold as breakout leads.:-)

The session description is here, which I will revise based on your comments:

The general purpose is to determine when different research objects need to be identified to ensure reproducibility or validity of a result. For this purpose, we define reproducibility as the ability to independently recreate or confirm a result (not the data). A result could be a finding in a scientific paper, a legal brief, a policy recommendation, a model output or derived product — essentially any formal, testable assertion. This is essentially a provenance use case. It is very broad, but distinct from the credit and even the access concerns of citation. This is primarily about unambiguous reference. When does an object become a first-class research object?

To approach the problem, we will break up into 4-5 groups to define and give examples of different clusters of research objects and then work to answer When or under what circumstance is it necessary to identify an object to enable reproducibility.

I was able to cluster all but 5 of the current list of ROs into nine categories. Each on of these could be a breakout, but we probably can’t do more than four or five. Some people on the call volunteered to lead breakouts and some others were suggested.

Please tell me if you are willing to lead a group. The groups that get leads will be the ones we do.

  1.  Literature and related objects (not to be discussed)
  2.  Software and related objects — Dan Katz.
  3.  Data and related objects — Mark Parsons (Reyna Jenkin? Anna Milan?)
  4.  Samples — Sarah Ramdeen? or Kerstin Lehnerdt?
  5.  Ontologies and vocabularies — Ruth Duerr?
  6.  Complex research objects (esp. but not exclusively learning resources) — Nancy Hoebelheinrich
  7.  Instruments and facilites — Mike Daniels?
  8.  Organizations
  9.  Activities

I also encourage you all to start drafting definitions and examples in the spreadsheet now: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VEYPLgTsCR_zbMUbThonBrqaYqBiMT4e525NzFi7ql8/edit#gid=1494916301

Thanks for your help. I hope to see may of you on the outskirts of Rockville soon.

Meanwhile enjoy the season of new light!



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