[Esip-citationguidelines] reading assignment for February's meeting

Parsons, Mark parsom3 at rpi.edu
Mon Jan 27 13:33:04 EST 2020

Hi folks,

Please skim, preferably read, this article prior to our next call where we will be discussing the “credit use case” for the "when to identify” question.

Scroggins, M. J., and I. V. Pasquetto. 2020. “Labor out of place: On the varieties and valences of (in)visible labor in data-intensive science.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 6 111. https://dx.doi.org/10.17351/ests2020.341.

I don’t think the abstract does the article justice. I found this sentence from the methods section more illustrative: "By making activities, rather than job classifications or place in the academic hierarchy, central to our analysis we demonstrate how the everyday work of science cuts across received classifications and hierarchies.”

In other words, they examine credit and recognition in data-intensive science from a fairly broad ethnographic corpus of observational science. Note also the movie-credits-style of acknowledgements at the end!

It’s  an intellectual article with big words but good messages. It took me a while to figure out what they meant by a “valence” of labor.  I think they mean a combination of functions or elements in a job. I’m still trying to understand what the “contours of an activity” are :-)

The bottom line is that credit is a much more subjective use case than reproducibility. We’ll need to spend some time spelling out what we mean.



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