[Esip-citationguidelines] Fwd: Session Proposal Form

Parsons, Mark parsom3 at rpi.edu
Fri Apr 17 14:44:35 EDT 2020

Here is our session proposal. I welcome any comments and co-conveners.



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From: Google Forms <forms-receipts-noreply at google.com<mailto:forms-receipts-noreply at google.com>>
Subject: Session Proposal Form
Date: 17 April 2020 at 12:43:05 MDT
To: <parsom3 at rpi.edu<mailto:parsom3 at rpi.edu>>

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Thanks for filling out Session Proposal Form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSedwpFth5VrFCfDLLlEiQgw2gPqAKoyrlfFilTJM9-uycLRbg/viewform?usp=mail_form_link>
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Session Proposal Form
Please fill out the following form to propose a session for the 2020 ESIP Summer Meeting in Burlington, VT (July 14th-17th, 2020). Session proposals will be accepted until COB on Friday April 17th, 2020.

Submitted sessions will be reviewed based on the quality and completeness of the proposal, as well as relevance to ESIP areas of interest and to the 2020 year theme (Putting Data to Work: Building Public-Private Partnerships to Increase Resilience & Enhance the Socioeconomic Value of Data). For this reason, please provide as complete a session proposal as you can, including speaker names. Submission of a session proposal does not guarantee that the session will be accepted. If accepted, your responses will also aid in session scheduling, including avoiding session conflicts as much as possible.

For more information, visit: 2020esipsummermeeting.sched.com<https://www.google.com/url?q=http://2020esipsummermeeting.sched.com&sa=D&ust=1587152585261000&usg=AFQjCNGlrur6cLyfYsqF7Tk6kBphyQtc3w>

Email address *
parsom3 at rpi.edu<mailto:parsom3 at rpi.edu>
Session Submitter Name *
Mark Parsons

Session Organizer(s) *
*If more than one, add comma separated* Corresponding Session Organizer (below) will be considered main point of contact for ESIP Staff.
Mark Parsons

Corresponding Session Organizer Email *
This is the email that will be used for all correspondences from ESIP Staff. The corresponding session lead will be responsible for sharing information with other session leads, as well as disseminating presenter guidelines shared by ESIP to session presenters.
parsom3 at rpi.edu<mailto:parsom3 at rpi.edu>

Session Title *
Credit for research artifacts – working session of the Research Artifact Citation Cluster

Session Short Name
38 character max
Credit for research artifacts

Session Description *
Please describe in more detail the content and format of your session. The session description can be modified later, but should be reasonably complete at the time of session proposal.
ESIP has published guidelines for citing data and for citing software and services. These have been important and influential ESIP products. Now a the Research Artifact Citation Cluster is working to address the issues of “research artifact” citation writ large. The cluster has been working to identify the various types of research artifacts that could or should be cited such as samples, instruments, annotations, and other artifacts. We have also been examining the various concerns that may be addressed in citing the objects such as access, credit or attribution, and scientific reproducibility. We find that citation of different types of objects may need to address different concerns and that different approaches may be necessary for different concerns and artifacts. The particular citation use case matters a lot. For example, reproducibility demands different considerations than credit. At the previous ESIP meeting we assessed the “reproducibility use case”— when do different research objects need to be identified to ensure reproducibility or validity of a result? In this session, we want to begin to address the “credit use case.” We will open the session with a brief overview of the cluster's work to date. We will then work in small groups to assess how existing contribution taxonomies can or should apply to data and potentially other research artifacts. These include the ISO19115 CI_RoleCode (https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/wiki/index.php/ISO_19115_and_19115-2_CodeList_Dictionaries#CI_RoleCode) and the CASRAI Contribution Roles Taxonomy (CRediT - https://casrai.org/credit/). Note we will not address literature which is largely addressed by CRediT or software which is being addressed by FORCE11 (https://github.com/force11/force11-sciwg) . A basic goal is to identify the important roles that should be recognized in the creation of data sets (and other artifacts) and which should be part of the formal citation and which should be captured elsewhere in metadata.

Does your session relate to the 2020 year theme or any of ESIP's strategic goals or ?

  *    Putting Data to Work: Building Public-Private Partnerships to Increase Resilience & Enhance the Socioeconomic Value of Data
  *    Increase the use and value of Earth science data and information.
  *    Strengthen the ties between observations and user communities (e.g. technologies, research, education and applications).
  *    Promote techniques to articulate and measure the socioeconomic value and benefit of Earth science data, information and applications.
  *    Position ESIP to play a major role in Earth science issues (e.g. addressing effects of climate change mitigation, adaptation and supporting sustainable science data infrastructure).
  *    No

Session Types
Breakout Session—collection of multiple speakers giving presentation-style talks. Business Meeting—dedicated planning time for Collaboration Areas. Panel—panels feature a moderator and a group of experts who represent different perspectives. Working Session—participants work together to solve a specific problem. Workshop—classroom-style session to teach attendees; should be hands-on.

Type *
We would like to include a diverse range of session types at the meeting, not just sessions that feature back-to-back slideshow presentations.

  *    Breakout Session
  *    Workshop
  *    Working Session
  *    Panel
  *    Business Meeting
  *    Other:

Session Participants
Speakers: Individual(s) giving presentations during a session or participating in a panel discussion

*If more than one, add comma separated including both confirmed and unconfirmed speakers*

Are you looking for additional speakers? *
Before each ESIP Meeting, we often have individuals looking to present their work in a session that has already been proposed. If you would welcome additional speaker suggestions, please select "Yes."

  *    Yes
  *    No
  *    Maybe

If you are looking for additional speakers, please describe what kind of speakers/talks you are looking for.
We may be able to use your description of desired speakers to attract others to speak in your session. Feel free to be very specific --> "Looking for a nonprofit professional who can speak about how they've integrated CRM, Email, Website and/or other related systems. Ideally, this speaker would be able to walk the audience through a map of how data systems are connected and talk about the experience of working in this integrated environment."

Session Audience

Describe Your Target Session Audience
Are there certain professional roles, facilities, agencies, collaboration areas, etc. that you would most like to engage during your session?
Data repository managers and anyone who is involved in producing research artifacts

Session Audience: consider your session as a pool of knowledge - will your session let folks skim the surface, jump in, or take a deep dive? *
You can check off more than one choice if your session will have multiple levels of discussion.

  *    Skim the Surface
  *    Jump In
  *    Deep Dive
  *    Other:

Session Audience: Recommended Ways for Session Attendees to Prepare
If your session will be a continuation of previous efforts (e.g. continuation of a collaboration area activity) or otherwise difficult for a newcomer to easily jump into, please provide information on how a newcomer might prepare to attend your session. This could be a link to a webinar, presentation, or past session.
Participants should be familiar with existing ESIP citation guidelines and have reviewed the minutes of the last several meetings, especially the "Objects and Concerns Matrix". See http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Research_Object_Citation

Session Tags *
Select 1-3 session tags that best describe your session. Add other options if needed.

  *    Cloud Computing
  *    Data Stewardship
  *    Education
  *    Machine Learning
  *    Metadata
  *    Science Communication
  *    Semantics
  *    Other:

Collaboration Area Tags *
Select one or more tags to indicate which ESIP collaboration areas your session relates to or may be of interest to.

  *    Agriculture and Climate
  *    Air Quality
  *    CLEAN Network
  *    Cloud Computing
  *    COPDESS
  *    Community Data
  *    Community Resilience
  *    Data Models
  *    Data to Decisions
  *    Disaster Lifecycle
  *    Discovery
  *    Documentation
  *    Drones
  *    Data Analytics
  *    Earth Sciences Pre-Prints
  *    Education
  *    Energy and Climate
  *    Enviro Sensing
  *    ESIP-E2SIP
  *    Information Quality
  *    IM Code Registry
  *    Machine Learning
  *    Marine Data
  *    Research Data Management
  *    Research Object Citation
  *    Schema.org<http://schema.org/>
  *    Science Communication
  *    Science Software
  *    Semantic Harmonization
  *    Semantic Technologies
  *    Software Technology Readiness
  *    Sustainable Data Management
  *    Usability
  *    VR/AR for Science
  *    Web Services
  *    Community Ontology Repository (COR)
  *    Other:

Additional Session Tags
Add a comma-separated list of any additional session tags you feel are appropriate and not captured in previous questions.
citation, credit

Will this session feature or discuss any ESIP-supported outputs? If yes, please list.
e.g., Outputs of ESIP Collaboration Areas or ESIP Lab Projects

You will receive a confirmation email once you submit your session, including a link to edit your session content in the future. Please email any questions to: staff at esipfed.org<mailto:staff at esipfed.org>. To receive up-to-date information about the Summer Meeting, please make sure you are subscribed to the ESIP Monday Update> http://eepurl.com/cFmghz<https://www.google.com/url?q=http://eepurl.com/cFmghz&sa=D&ust=1587152585270000&usg=AFQjCNHGlTb3c2buf0RRXBqdbJ6Nc5f3ow>

Create your own Google Form<https://docs.google.com/forms?usp=mail_form_link>

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