[Esip-citationguidelines] Calling for volunteers to help with summer meeting session

Parsons, Mark parsom3 at rpi.edu
Fri Jun 5 14:01:25 EDT 2020

Hi all,

At our last research object citation meeting, we agreed to have breakouts in our session at summer meeting (see notes<https://docs.google.com/document/d/18ooEixbchKp-qgAG7qtnebKrWDYsutt4d2eX3HsaWls/edit#heading=h.fc5r58dhzr1h>) . ESIP is using a cool platform called Qiqochat to facilitate that. Staff is conducting training on the sessions week (see below). Can I get a few volunteers who are wiling to help run breakouts, and can you attend one of the sessions next week?

I also agreed to run our regular monthly call this month using qiqochat. I’ll send out more about that after the training.

Finally a reminder of the actions from last time: ACTION: Cluster reps to go out to respective communities and decide the order of preference for groups of research artifacts to be addressed at least top 3-6.



Begin forwarded message:

From: Erin Robinson <erinrobinson at esipfed.org<mailto:erinrobinson at esipfed.org>>
Subject: Important: Technology & Virtual Convening Trainings for ESIP Summer Meeting Session Leads
Date: 4 June 2020 at 15:11:24 MDT
To: All-Staff email <staff at esipfed.org<mailto:staff at esipfed.org>>

Hi -

We are very excited about the upcoming ESIP Summer Meeting<https://2020esipsummermeeting.sched.com/> and have been working hard to reimagine the meeting in the virtual space. One thing that is abundantly clear is that supporting you and your session is more important than ever! We are investing in all of you through initiating some session leader training, providing each session 1-2 free ESIP meeting registrations<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfsrRwlCWNOhmmPadU6U-pesLbDAYwbQD9Ykw4_Z12-hEUqCg/viewform> to get new people to ESIP that wouldn't attend otherwise and as always, staff support will be available any time ahead of ESIP to consult or practice and during each session to ensure your vision comes to life.

This email is about training and there are two parts:
(1) Next week every day (June 8-12) from 4-4:45ET, I will be doing a Qiqochat<https://esip.qiqochat.com/> + Zoom tech training to get you familiar with how your breakout session will be supported and logistics.
(2) The week of June 15, we will be running two virtual convening sessions. These will be run by two master facilitators, Charley Haley<https://www.linkedin.com/in/pamhaley/> and Fisher Qua<https://www.linkedin.com/in/sfqua/>, that are working with ESIP on the overall meeting design. They will share a few techniques to help ensure that you get the most out of your session with ideas on how to engage the participants.

I would encourage at least one person from each session to attend both of these. To help plan, please RSVP for these events here: https://forms.gle/pmD6pWXCLqiq3RM4A

Reply to this note if there is anything else the ESIP team can help with. Thank you for your contributions to this meeting and the time, effort and care you are putting into these sessions!

Take care,

Erin Robinson
Executive Director, ESIP
314.369.9954<tel:314.369.9954> | erinrobinson at esipfed.org <mailto:erinrobinson at esipfed.org>


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