[Esip-citationguidelines] ESIP Citation Cluster Reminders

Langseth, Madison L mlangseth at usgs.gov
Tue Jun 22 18:02:35 EDT 2021

Hi All,

I know we are still a couple of weeks away from our next meeting and about a month away from the ESIP Summer Meeting, but I wanted to remind everyone to let us know (by July 7) which Credit Role Ontology roles you think should contribute to a dataset's author list:

  1.  Go to the Credit_Role_Ontology_Data<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VEYPLgTsCR_zbMUbThonBrqaYqBiMT4e525NzFi7ql8/edit#gid=1552417864> tab in our Objects and Concerns Spreadsheet.
  2.  Grab a column and change "Participant #" to your name
  3.  For each role, choose "Yes" or "No" to indicate whether you think that role, if applicable, should be considered for inclusion in the author list for a data citation.

At the next meeting, we will attempt to generate a reasonable length role list for data authorship that we can work with at the Summer Meeting. Please let me know if you have questions!

Also, if you agreed to present at the Summer Meeting Session (Mark Parsons, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Ruth Duerr, Sarah Ramdeen), Megan kindly set up a slide deck that we can all work out of to develop our slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1t8kX95HYVT2_B1f6gUuH4KmHIVNW0maMdZsV5fQYiIw/edit#slide=id.p. I've added a slide for each research artifact, but please feel free to add more slides if you need them for your artifact.


Madison Langseth (she/hers)

U.S. Geological Survey
Science Analytics & Synthesis (SAS)
Denver Federal Center
Building 810, Mail Stop 302
Denver, CO 80225

(303) 202-4088

mlangseth at usgs.gov<mailto:mlangseth at usgs.gov>


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