[Esip-semanticharmonization] Heads up on this coming (Wednesday) August 12th semantic harmonization call from 2-4 EDT

Gary Berg-Cross gbergcross at gmail.com
Sun Aug 9 16:21:23 EDT 2020

I guess it is time to wake up after our ESIP efforts and look forward to
our next Wednesday session (2-4) Eastern.
Normally we devote 2 hours on our terminology alignment and harmonization
work and we can certainly do
that. We also have the "5-pager" draft
which has attracted our attention on at least one of these 2 hour sessions.
I've done a small bit of editing/commenting on that Google Doc with an eye
to making the sections more consistent.

Now that we have significant content for each section I think it useful to
enhance the outline with sub-section ideas so we close on the main content
of the 5 pager. For example, we may distinguish categories of problems that
reflect the categories of Best practices we address such as technical,
social and organizational. We seem to stress the organizational there, but
the technical in the problems.

Some of our Sections like Needs are large with overlapping drafts so we
might develop and agree on core  sub-ectrions to condense the writing.  For



      *The need (Some background to explain this) 2
      -          major challenges gathering and integrating relevant available
      data necessary to achieve synthesis.....

      difficulties in interpreting and aligning independently-derived
      information sources then severely hinder progress interchanging
      scientific data within and between communities

       lack of “standard” * methods for *harmonizing terminologies.*
and *making
      them amenable to machine processing.
      - Etc.

   - We could do that or some of that or wait till our 1 hour meeting the
   next week (19th).

There is also the topic of follow ups and reflection on the many ESIP
events including what we learned
about ESIP member interest in a Knowledge Commons.
Below is the info for the call.

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Gary Berg-Cross Ph.D.
Independent Consultant
Potomac, MD

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the better you are, the more surely you won't be needed in the long run."
Barbara Kingsolver

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