[ESIP-all] logos

Brian Rogan brogan at esipfed.org
Wed Jun 30 13:38:29 EDT 2010

Dear partners,
As part of our outreach, we would like to develop a chart that contains all
of our partners along with basic information and a logo.  This chart will be
used to show interested individuals, organizations and potential members who
our partners are, what they do and how they interact with one another.
We hope to be able to print this as a giveaway plus to have as a larger
poster to display at various meetings and events, such as IGARSS, AGU and
other similar groups.  To print this effectively, we need a good quality 2x3
inch logo of your group that can be included in the display.  This is a fast
track project so it would be helpful to get it as soon as possible.

thanks for your help,


Brian Rogan
Director of Communication and Partnership
Foundation for Earth Science
15 Beecher Place
Newton, MA 02459
617 467 4348 phone
508 397 7119 cell
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