[ESIP-all] BESSIG meeting Wed, Jan 22, 4:15 - 6, Outlook Hotel

Anne Wilson anne.wilson at lasp.colorado.edu
Fri Jan 17 12:08:26 EST 2014


If you're in Boulder next week be sure to come by the January meeting of 
the Boulder Earth and Space Science Informatics Group next Wednesday. 
Our speaker this month is Patrick West from RPI on:

Deep Carbon Observatory - Data Science and Data Management 
Infrastructure Overview and Demonstration

"The Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO) brings together hundreds of 
organizations and individuals from all around the world, spanning a 
great many scientific domains with a focus on Carbon. The DCO Data 
Science team is anticipating the generation of terabytes of information 
in the form of documents, scientific datasets from level 0 to data 
products and visualizations, information about events, people, and 
organizations, and more. So how do we keep track of all of this 
information, manage the information, and disseminate the information?

In order to organize all of this information and provide the research 
community the tools necessary to collaborate and do their research, the 
DCO Data Science team is putting together a suite of tools that will 
integrate all of these components in a seamless, distributed, 
heterogeneous environment. This presentation and demonstration will 
provide an overview of the work that we, the DCO Data Science team, are 
doing to provide such an environment."

Note that we'll start a tad late on Wednesday due to Patrick's schedule. 
  An abstract and detailed information is available at:


Hope to see you Wednesday!


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