[ESIP-all] Announcement of AGU session IN013 - Common Data Frameworks for Interdisciplinary Science.

Meyer, David (HQ-DK000)[Affiliate] david.meyer-1 at nasa.gov
Fri Jul 8 10:22:19 EDT 2016

Hello -

We would like to solicit the submission of abstracts our AGU session: Common Data Frameworks for Interdisciplinary Science (IN013).

With the incredible growth in Earth observation data and in open data sharing, managing data so that it can be readily used for all research and applications is of great importance. This year the US government released the Common Framework for Earth-Observation Data, which provides a set of recommended practices for managing data. The Framework recommends a small set of standards and protocols to use regarding metadata and services for cataloging and access with the goal of easing discovery and use of Earth-observation data from sources across the Federal government.

This session will explore the benefits of having such a policy framework and future steps both domestically and internationally. Speakers can highlight current work being done to improve data interoperability, how the Common Framework is relevant for other data types, other countries and multinational organizations, and considerations for data management that have yet to be addressed in the Common Framework.

Note that the deadline for abstract submission is August 3, 2016. The link to the session can be found here<https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm16/preliminaryview.cgi/Session13562>.

Thank you for your consideration,

David J Meyer, NASA Headquarters
Andrew E Mitchell, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,
Jeff de la Beaujardiere, NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
Lesley A Wyborn, Australian National University

Dave Meyer
NASA HQ | Earth Science Data Systems<https://earthdata.nasa.gov/>
w: (202) 358-1942 | c: (202) 285-8258
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