[ESIP-all] NSF Workshop on Sustainable Computing for Sustainability (April 16-17) - Call for Submissions

Martin, Raleigh ramartin at nsf.gov
Fri Jan 26 12:59:17 EST 2024

(Apologies for cross-posting)

Dear colleagues,

I wanted to make you aware of the following NSF-sponsored workshop on "Sustainable Computing for Sustainability". Statements of interest are due February 15. Participants selected for in-person attendance would have travel costs covered (if eligible). I'm just the messenger; please see below for more information from the organizers.

Best regards,
Raleigh Martin


Call for Submissions:  NSF Workshop on Sustainable Computing for Sustainability

The NSF Workshop on Sustainable Computing for Sustainability<https://edas.info/web/nsf-wscs24/> will be held at NSF in Alexandria, VA<https://new.nsf.gov/about/visit>, on April 16-17, 2024.  The workshop seeks to identify open challenges in how to harness computing to tackle sustainability problems, and in ensuring that computing accounts for sustainability in its own development and operation.

Due to space limitations, the workshop will follow a hybrid format with approximately 100 in-person attendees, and remote participation feasible through a zoom webinar.  The goal of this "Call for Submissions<https://edas.info/web/nsf-wscs24/call.html>" is to help us select a diverse and complementary set of in-person attendees to ensure a productive workshop.

To help us with this selection, we are asking interested individuals to submit a short statement of interest (two pages or less excluding references, single column, 11pt fonts), before February 15, 2024, AoE.  Multiple submissions are allowed, but each should address the following:


  *   Select one of the themes listed in the "Call for Participation Themes<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zGTvBVA-CggbVB1f8Igb1EvShGZuKkkHwnzdoTq_Zdk/edit#heading=h.mnr6o491trvv>" section.
  *   For that theme, address the following questions:
How do you expect to contribute to either the refinement of the theme's technical agenda or help formulate how to deploy successful solutions?

This can be aspirational or based on previous work. Note also that successful deployments often entail aspects beyond scientific or engineering contributions.

What major challenges do you expect successful solutions to face?


  *   Identify one or two other individuals or institutions whom you think could positively contribute to the workshop, in a manner complementary to your own contributions.

Submissions (two pages or less excluding references, single column, 11pt fonts) will be managed through the EDAS conference system, with submission instructions available on the Call for Submissions page<https://edas.info/web/nsf-wscs24/call.html>.

We hope you will consider submitting to the workshop, and feel free to distribute this Call for Submissions<https://edas.info/web/nsf-wscs24/call.html> to anyone who might be interested.

Roch Guerin, Amy McGovern, Klara Nahrstedt

Workshop Chairs
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