[ESIP-AQ] EPA AMI Reviewers Needed for a 1-day Remote Panel

Stefan Falke stefan.falke at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 07:49:56 EDT 2010


EPA is preparing for its review of the latest round of the 22 internally
competed EPA Advanced Monitoring Initiative proposals.  The proposals cover
a range of topics, including Air Quality, Water, Public Health, Information
Systems, etc.  The ESIP Federation has been approached to assist with
identifying reviewers given our members’ expertise in anyone of those areas
and our involvement with GEOSS’ evolution.  Here is what is expected to be
involved in participating in the review:

"We are assembling a panel of approximately seven experts to review the
documents and prepare written comments (i.e., a letter review with
conference call). Reviewers will be selected based on expertise,
willingness, availability, and freedom from financial conflicts of
interest.  I am writing to see if you would be interested in participating
in the peer review.  We anticipate asking each of the seven reviewers to
review approximately 6-7 short documents (each under 10 pages long),
however, there is some flexibility and it may be possible to review fewer
(or more) documents. In addition, we would need for you to be available to
participate in a conference call between the last week of June and the end
of July (the earlier the better).  The call will be scheduled for an entire
day in order to discuss all 22 proposals. We ask that you are available for
the duration of the call, however, you would only be obligated to stay on
the call during the discussion of the documents you have reviewed. "

Please let Carol Meyer (carolbmeyer at esipfed.org) know by Friday, June 18 if
you would be willing to assist in this for EPA’s benefit.
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