[ESIP-AQ] Telecon Friday

Stefan Falke stefan.falke at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 10:58:17 EDT 2010

After a hiatus from our regular Air Quality Workgroup calls, we are resuming
our bi-weekly meetings.
Our next call will be this Friday, June 18 at our usual 1:30pm Eastern time


Phone: 866-489-0573 (US, Canada, VOIP); 205-354-0149 (international)
Meeting Code: *2279431*

*Topics* (feel free to add an item to the agenda):

   - New activity Updates
      - CyAir
      - GEOSS AIP-3
      - GEO AQ CoP

   - ESIP Summer
      - Day 1
         -   Brief presentations from new interoperability projects and
         interoperability updates from ongoing projects
            - GEOSS AIP-3
            - GEO AQ CoP
            - CEOS AC Portal
            - CyAir
            - HTAP
            - others

      - Day 2
         - Focus on challenges and new approaches to implementing
         - Interoperability testing between projects
            - update to interoperability matrix
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