[Esip-biodata] ESIP Biological Data Standards Cluster Meeting September 7 at 1400 ET

Benson, Abigail L albenson at usgs.gov
Thu Aug 31 13:29:22 EDT 2023

Hello Biological Data Standards Cluster,

Welcome to the new and improved mailing list 🙂 We meet next Thursday September 7 at 1400 ET. Last time we selected the next section of the primer to develop guidance for and we will be working on the metadata section next. We will start that work during the meeting next week. We will also have some updates, a naming poll, and we are looking for another co-chair to join the cluster leadership. If you can't make the meeting but are interested in joining the cluster leadership please feel free to reach out directly.


  1.  Poll for naming the companion product (5 min)
  2.  Publishing the Make Your Data Software Ready section of the primer companion product (5 min)
  3.  Updates to cluster leadership (5 min)
  4.  Start populating Provide Context and Understandability to Your Data (45 min)

Meeting Access Information:
Join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87392729191?pwd=UzdUMWFIenBGMUF5eG1PYjNZMytYdz09
Meeting ID: 873 9272 9191
Passcode: 708422

See you next week,
Abby, Kyla, Laura, Steve, Tim

Abby Benson (she/her)
U.S. Geological Survey
Science Analytics and Synthesis
Lakewood, CO
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-4391-107X<http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4391-107X>

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