[Esip-cloud] Important: Decisions on cluster direction from today's telecon

Patrick Quinn patrick at element84.com
Mon Jul 27 14:56:58 EDT 2020

Hi Cloud Computing Cluster,

Coming out of today's meeting, we made a few impactful decisions on the
direction of the cluster.

   1. We will be moving the cloud data optimization efforts out of band
   from the monthly telecons.  I sent the cluster a Doodle Poll (
   https://doodle.com/poll/352vtsu7bvctiz6t) for a workshop where we'll be
   blocking off two hours of time to put fingers on keyboards and populate
   what we have now.  Please fill out the poll, participate, and encourage
   other knowledgeable folks to do so.
   2. Moving forward, we will line up cluster members and external speakers
   to give a 15-minute overview of a project they work on or know well,
   followed by discussion and Q&A.  Aimee Barciauskas will be talking about
   Rechunker on our next monthly telecon.  Please sign up, vote for, and
   recommend speakers for subsequent meetings in this sheet:
   3. We will continue putting agenda items and notes in this Google Doc:
   If you have a walk-on topic, add it as an agenda item ahead of the
   4. We will be using the #cloud-computing group in the ESIP Slack as our
   preferred means of communication moving forward.  If you are not yet in the
   Slack, you can join here: https://esip-slack-invite.herokuapp.com/

I look forward to this shift in focus and format and hope to see all of you
at the workshop and next meeting.

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