[Esip-dds] more on panel discussion planning

Uhlir, Paul PUhlir at nas.edu
Fri May 10 14:29:23 EDT 2013

Re different discipline: 

I did mean the Earth sciences broadly, but also data management (in all its lifecycle manifestations, and especially observational and computational data, not experimental so much). What I meant about not including speakers from "other disiciplines" is the suggestion on the list of a speaker from genomics (e.g., Stephen Friend). I know Stephen well, and he's great, but I think off point for this small panel. He is also in Seattle and very busy, although the discipline focus was my paramount concern.


From: Anne Wilson [anne.wilson at lasp.colorado.edu]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 12:43 PM
To: Uhlir, Paul
Cc: esip-dds at lists.esipfed.org
Subject: Re: [Esip-dds] more on panel discussion planning

Thanks, Paul!  Glad to hear you'll be there!

On 5/10/13 10:23 AM, Uhlir, Paul wrote:

> I would not invite someone from a different discipline.

I presume you mean beyond Earth Science.  Can you say more about this?


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