[Esip-disasters] FW: Draft of FIA public warning guidelines (v0.6)

Moe, Karen (GSFC-4070) via Esip-disasters esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org
Wed Jun 18 10:32:12 EDT 2014

This "Common Alerting Protocol" addresses an important part of the disasters enterprise architecture addressing information content and dissemination services. CAP provides a common mechanism for pushing somewhat standardized alerts through internet media, like Google an Conversant which monitor news feeds to automatically disseminate warnings in the alert area. Such warnings are initiated by official sources (the WMO and ITU maintain an international registry). Knowing what form the end user alerts will take should be helpful to the Earth science community interested in producing actionable products for those official sources.

From: Francesco Gaetani <fgaetani at GEOSEC.ORG<mailto:fgaetani at GEOSEC.ORG>>
Reply-To: Disaster Management Systems <DI-01-C1 at LIST.GEOSEC.ORG<mailto:DI-01-C1 at LIST.GEOSEC.ORG>>
Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 10:12 AM
To: "DI-01-C1 at LIST.GEOSEC.ORG<mailto:DI-01-C1 at LIST.GEOSEC.ORG>" <DI-01-C1 at LIST.GEOSEC.ORG<mailto:DI-01-C1 at LIST.GEOSEC.ORG>>
Subject: Fwd: Draft of FIA public warning guidelines (v0.6)

Dear colleague,

Please find below a message from Eliot Christian (USGS) regarding the drafting of voluntary guidelines for Federation for Internet Alerts (FIA) Partners when communicating emergency warnings to the public as publishers of messages from official alerting authorities.
Please feel free to contact directly Eliot Christian <echristi at usgs.gov<mailto:echristi at usgs.gov>> in case you have any comment or question.

Best regards,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eliot Christian <echristi at usgs.gov<mailto:echristi at usgs.gov>>
Date: Sat, May 31, 2014 at 2:31 PM
Subject: Draft of FIA public warning guidelines (v0.6)

Dear Francesco Gaetani,

Please review and comment on the attached draft of voluntary Guidelines being developed by the Federation for Internet Alerts when communicating emergency warnings to the public (see http://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/amp/pwsp/documents/OnlineMediaCAP_Final.pdf )

The intent here is to converge on Guidelines that represent a broad consensus among major online media that are now getting involved in public warning, as well as key international bodies that have a defined role in aspects of alerting or particular hazard threats.

This document is working draft 6 of version 0; no further drafts are expected through June.



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