[Esip-disasters] ESIP Disasters Cluster Meeting July 10, 2014 at 4:00 pm Mountain Time

Moe, Karen (GSFC-4070) via Esip-disasters esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org
Thu Jul 10 00:18:48 EDT 2014

Greetings from the ESIP Fed Summer Meeting at Copper Mountain, Colorado! Please join us. Session information is available here: http://commons.esipfed.org/node/2293

Disaster Cluster: Long term sustainability


Long term sustainability is crucial to capabilities supporting and enabling disaster lifecycle activities. The overarching objective of the ESIP Disaster Cluster is to facilitate connections and coordinate efforts among data providers, managers and developers of disaster response systems and tools, and end-user communities within ESIP. This session will include report of the working group's activities,  presentations that highlight use cases and Disasters & Risk Management (DRM) information architecture, as well as planning for future activities.

Since the January ESIP meeting, the Disasters Cluster has discussed elements of a disasters 'information architecture', especially at the joint ESIP/CEOS WGISS session in April. These topics support the goal of identifying and infusing new Earth observation capabilities (products and services) into end user disaster management systems. This session will look at existing efforts addressing disasters information that we might leverage in discussing and determining the cluster's action plan.


Thomas Huang – SWEET and extensions into domains, such as Disasters (15 min)

Tyler Stevens – GCMD concept for controlled vocabularies, as related to Disasters (10 min)

Matt Austin – NODC efforts on categorizing oceanographic terms (10 min)

Dave Jones – ideas for improving interoperability for disasters management (15 min)

All – Discuss action plan for Disasters cluster work and contribution to ESIP as a community (40 min)

What ESIP products do we propose that the cluster address?

Can we leverage other ESIP products/activities?

Here is information about joining remotely from Erin's message on Monday:

The link I sent yesterday to the program is broken. Here is a new link in a Dropbox instead<https://www.dropbox.com/s/korbb5aqy12xq3e/Federation%20of%20Earth%20Science%20Information%20Partners_Summer2014_v3.pdf>. Tomorrow, sessions will start at 8:30. This is a bit earlier than originally planned because ESIP 101 was moved from 8-9 am to lunchtime, 12-1:30. Registration will open at 7:30 and breakfast will start at the same time. Printed packets will be available, t-shirts and other goodies!

Remote: Almost all sessions will have remote capabilities. Remote details are the last page of this program. They are also available on the ESIP Commons by clicking on the room name in the schedule: http://commons.esipfed.org/schedule/Summer%20Meeting%202014 WebEx is scheduled for morning and afternoon sessions, not by session titles. This gives us a bit of flexibility on room changes.

Here is the registration information:

Not registered yet as a remote participant, but want to? Here’s the link: https://www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1548747  There is no charge to register for remote participation, but it is important for you to register - we’ll be able to communicate directly with the remote participants more easily and have a more accurate idea of how our hybrid meeting structure is doing.

Best regards,

Karen L. Moe
Earth Science Technology Office esto.nasa.gov
NASA/GSFC MS Code 407  Mobile: (240) 393-8730
Greenbelt, MD  20771   Office: (301) 286-2978
email: Karen.Moe at nasa.gov<applewebdata://E1FFDA6F-C5B3-45AC-A2A7-B1CDCCB399C7/Karen.Moe@nasa.gov> Fax: (301) 286-0321

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