[Esip-disasters] Disaster Lifecycle Cluster Telecon

Law, Emily S (3980) emily.s.law at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Mar 31 11:59:56 EDT 2015

When: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 11:00 AM-12:00 PM. (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Where: webex


To Join the online portion of the Personal Conference meeting
1. Go to https://esipfed.webex.com<https://esipfed.webex.com/>
2. Click the “Meeting Center” tab
3. Select the DISASTER RESPONSE|[1]<https://esipfed.webex.com/mw0401l/mywebex/default.do?siteurl=esipfed>
If a password is required, enter the Meeting Password: 23140358

To start the audio portion of the Personal Conference meeting w/ phone
Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-877-668-4493
Call-in toll number (US/Canada): +1-408-600-3600
Call-in toll number (US/Canada)*: +1-571-918-6008
Global call-in numbers: https://esipfed.webex.com/esipfed/globalcallin.php?serviceType=MC&ED=9910728&tollFree=1
Toll-free dialing restrictions: http://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf
Attendee access code: 231 403 58
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