[Esip-disasters] significant accomplishments
Dave Jones SCC
dave at stormcenter.com
Thu Jun 23 17:58:22 EDT 2016
Hi Emily,
Please find below a description of some of our recent accomplishments over
the past six months since the winter meeting that both Karen and I have
identified. These accomplishments also directly support the Mission and
Values of the Federation. If anyone has additional highlights you wish to
provide, please reply and send to Emily.
Emily-if you need any images or pictures I can provide when you are ready.
Thanks and we look forward to a very productive summer meeting in Durham.
There is a lot happening in our space and I also see direct connections to
the drone cluster as well. We can discuss further during the summer meeting.
Dave Jones
Founder & CEO
StormCenter Communications, Inc.
bwtech at UMBC Research & Technology Park
1450 S. Rolling Road, Suite 4.029
Halethorpe, MD 21227
<mailto:dave at stormcenter.com> dave at stormcenter.com
StormCenter is a 2015 Tibbetts Award winner for Top Small Business Innovator
For Cross-Platform Data Sharing and Collaboration
The Federal Government's preferred provider for collaboration and geospatial
data sharing
and collaboration (SBIR contract NNX12CA85C)
Significant Events & Accomplishments from Disaster Lifecycle Cluster that
support ESIP Vision and Values:
ESIP Vision and Values
To be a leader in promoting and applying the collection, stewardship and use
of Earth science data, information and knowledge internally and externally
to partner organizations so they can be ready, responsive and resilient to
extreme events and disasters on a local, regional, national and
international scale.
1. GeoCollaborateR Testbed Activities
a. UAH - Enable testing of Event Albums to refine products and
formatting for sharing and testing in operational environments
b. JPL - Enable testing of Earthquake products with State of
California to improve responsiveness through improved assessment and
c. AHC - All Hazards Consortium testing coordination for movement of
utility trucks to restore power
2. Edison Electric Institute (EEI)
a. AHC testbed activity leading to potential adoption of
GeoCollaborateR by Investor-owned Utilities
b. National Response Exercise (NRE) to major disaster
c. GeoCollaborateR identified as a potential major asset to access
science data for decision making
d. GC to help identify useful science and other products for damage
3. Development of "Data Driven Decision Making" Workshop to be held at
EEI HQ in Washington, DC
a. Hosts: ESIP Federation, EEI, All Hazards Consortium
b. Attendees to include: Federal Agencies (FEMA, NWS, DOE, others),
Utilities, Emergency Managers
c. Fall 2016 (October timeframe)
d. Positioning ESIP to play major roles in advancing science data
understanding and Earth science issues
The above accomplishments directly address the Strategic Goals identified
below with those highlighted being most relevant to our accomplishments to
2015-2020 Strategic Goals
Goal 1: Increase the use and value of Earth science data and information
Task: Identify, promote and showcase trusted authoritative data
sources/products for decision making across all member organizations.
Goal 2: Strengthen the ties between observations and user communities (e.g.
technologies, research, education and applications)
Task: Work with user communities to identify the information flow model and
observations/outputs needed to enhance their decision making.
Goal 3: Promote techniques to articulate and measure the socioeconomic value
and benefit of Earth science data, information and applications
Task: Capture impact stories of how relevant data products and tools have
helped decision making during disasters.
Goal 4: Position ESIP to play a major role in Earth science issues (e.g.,
addressing effects of climate change, adaptation, supporting sustainable
science data infrastructure)
Task: Identify information model and technology that are relevant to science
data infrastructure with the goal of streamlining the identification and
provisioning of remote sensing data products to support the needs of
different disaster types throughout the disaster life cycle.
From: Law, Emily S (3980) [mailto:emily.s.law at jpl.nasa.gov]
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 12:25 PM
To: Moe, Karen (GSFC-4070) <karen.moe at nasa.gov <mailto:karen.moe at nasa.gov>
>; Dave Jones <dave at stormcenter.com <mailto:dave at stormcenter.com> >
Subject: significant accomplishments
Hi Karen and Dave,
I will be giving the State of Federation presentation at the summer meeting.
We are collecting sig events/accomplishments and associated graphics (if
any) from each group to be highlighted during the presentation.
Can you please send me your top 3 items as soon as you can *ideally before
end of June). I know you have worked on the work plan to align with overall
ESIP strategic plan. Will be great if we can show that the accomplishments
support our vision.
Thank you much!
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