[Esip-disasters] Disasters Lifecycle Cluster telecom meeting for June 2017 - 6/1/17 at 4pm EDT and corrected link to Argentina Summit

Moe, Karen (GSFC-407.0)[EMERITUS] karen.moe at nasa.gov
Wed May 31 14:52:43 EDT 2017

Greetings ESIP Disasters Cluster—

Please note the correction in David’s email (below) to the website on the Sep 2017 Disasters Summit meeting:
To catch up on last month’s conference call   http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/DisasterLifecycle_telecon_2017-05-04

And here’s the info for this Thursday’s telecom:

Thursday, June 1
 Disaster Lifecycle
WhenThu, June 1, 4pm – 5pm EDT
DescriptionPlease join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/691265765 You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (872) 240-3311 Access Code: 691-265-765
more details»<https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=ZGdpYmRmaTl2ZW9vbDk0Y3RnZTFyZmU1N2tfMjAxNzA2MDFUMjAwMDAwWiBzYjljbm1ha25xcHNpZnM3dHRuOWtzb2J1MEBn&ctz=America/New_York>  copy to my calendar<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/b/0/event?action=TEMPLATE&hl=en&text=Disaster%20Lifecycle&dates=20170601T160000%2F20170601T170000&location=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gotomeeting.com%2Fjoin%2F691265765&ctz=America%2FNew_York&details=Please%20join%20my%20meeting%20from%20your%20computer%2C%20tablet%20or%20smartphone.%0Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.gotomeeting.com%2Fjoin%2F691265765%0A%0AYou%20can%20also%20dial%20in%20using%20your%20phone.%0A%0AUnited%20States%3A%20%2B1%20%28872%29%20240-3311%0A%0AAccess%20Code%3A%20691-265-765>

Our Disasters cluster meeting notes on google docs here; please contribute:

  *   ESIP Disasters cluster recommendations to NASA for the Argentina Summit and follow on activities

  *   ESIP Summer Meeting Planning Recap, July 25-28, Indiana Univ in Bloomington IN (register now<https://www.regonline.com/registration/checkin.aspx?EventId=1901068&MethodId=0&EventSessionId=&startnewreg=1>)

     *   Strengthening Ties Between Observations and User Communities (ESIP theme for 2017)

     *   Disasters sessions Friday morning July 28

        *   What Do We Mean by “Trusted” Data?

        *   What’s the Right Data for this Use Case?

  *   Other topics submitted by the cluster

  *   Next telecon July 6


-----Original Message-----
From: Esip-disasters <esip-disasters-bounces at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-disasters-bounces at lists.esipfed.org>> on behalf of ESIP Disasters <esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org>>
Reply-To: "GREEN, DAVID S. (HQ-DK000)" <david.s.green at nasa.gov<mailto:david.s.green at nasa.gov>>
Date: Monday, May 29, 2017 at 9:37 PM
To: ESIP Disasters <esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org>>
Subject: Re: [Esip-disasters] Esip-disasters some feedback from Cancun

ESIP cluster
We just returned from the UNISDR Global Forum in Mexico.  Incredibly successful opportunity to reach out across the world and especially regionally on the user-centric perspective on data and information needs.  We also worked hard to reach out across US agencies, with NGOs, insurance sector, policy makers, civil authorities and with disaster emergency management agencies of nations and regions.  New partnerships were identified and progress made to strengthen efforts of GEO and CEOS for those in earth and insitu observations, as well as key private sector and institutions advancing information systems and networks.

Regarding the Summit we are organizing in September there was incredible interest. We are scrambling still to get the agenda and all the details finalized. We booked the space so its going to happen. First real chance to cross walk multiple EO data suppliers as well as practitioners for the Americas. We really do need private sector engaged both in the engagement planning, sessions and scenario exercise. Red Cross will likely be a lead in helping us work the relationship sessions on marketplace, systems and gaps.  We expect ESIP members will play an important role, we have also expected to lean on our private sector partners to make connections throughout the region. We could also use some sponsors of poster sessions, lunches and receptions. This is not a meeting of talks and powerpoints, it is about engagement. I have several breakout rooms for us to cover disaster community interests of satellite agencies, hydro-met services and geohazard observatories, humanitarian and response capacities, and to host a hybrid of table top exercise and relationship analysis for end-to-end workflow from preparedness to response and recovery.

To express your interest we set up a temporary site on our NASA disasters page with further information coming soon.  Go to https://disasters.nasa.gov/argentina-summit-2017<https://disaters.nasa.gov/argentina-summit-2017>

Of primary importance reach out to your contacts throughout Latin America and make them aware. We need to really meet the needs of the region here and in so doing build stronger partners for us all to work with in the future.


David S. Green, PhD
Program Manager, Disasters

National Aeronautics and Space Administration/NASA-HQ
Science Mission Directorate/Earth Science Division/Applied Sciences Program
300 E Street SW, Mail Code 3V75, Washington DC 20546-0001

Office Phone:  +1.202.358.0032    Office Fax: +1.202.358.2770
Mobile Phone: +1.202.748.2875    E-mail:  David.S.Green at nasa.gov<mailto:David.S.Green at nasa.gov>


Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 18:17:59 +0000
From: "Moe, Karen (GSFC-407.0)[EMERITUS]" <karen.moe at nasa.gov<mailto:karen.moe at nasa.gov>>
To: ESIP Disasters <esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org>>
Subject: [Esip-disasters] FW: Update on plans for a disaster summit on
earth observation data, systems and the Americas
Message-ID: <D54C8E17.D07DD%karen.moe at nasa.gov<mailto:D54C8E17.D07DD%karen.moe at nasa.gov>>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

Hello ESIP Disasters cluster

We are looking at ways ESIP can respond to this request to participate in the disaster risk reduction and response activity, including the development of plans for the Sep 4-8 summit in Buenos Aires and follow up efforts.

Do ESIP members have relevant data sets or tools & services that might be contributed?
Are there activities with CEOS or GEOSS that might be leveraged?
Can we apply our expertise in developing use cases and evaluating products and processes in testbed scenarios?
Do you have ideas for how ESIP might support the summit?

Please join me for our regular Thursday telecom June 1st at 1pm PDT/4pm EDT to discuss this and our upcoming ESIP Summer Meeting sessions in July.



From: Esip-disasters <esip-disasters-bounces at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-disasters-bounces at lists.esipfed.org><mailto:esip-disasters-bounces at lists.esipfed.org>> on behalf of ESIP Disasters <esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org><mailto:esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org>>
Reply-To: "GREEN, DAVID S. (HQ-DK000)" <david.s.green at nasa.gov<mailto:david.s.green at nasa.gov><mailto:david.s.green at nasa.gov>>
Date: Monday, May 1, 2017 at 2:17 AM
To: "Moe, Karen (GSFC-4070)" <karen.moe at nasa.gov<mailto:karen.moe at nasa.gov><mailto:karen.moe at nasa.gov>>, ESIP Disasters <esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org<mailto:esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org><mailto:esip-disasters at lists.esipfed.org>>, Dave Jones <dave at stormcenter.com<mailto:dave at stormcenter.com><mailto:dave at stormcenter.com>>
Cc: "brucecaron at esipfed.org<mailto:brucecaron at esipfed.org><mailto:brucecaron at esipfed.org>" <brucecaron at esipfed.org<mailto:brucecaron at esipfed.org><mailto:brucecaron at esipfed.org>>, "foley.gary at epa.gov<mailto:foley.gary at epa.gov><mailto:foley.gary at epa.gov>" <foley.gary at epa.gov<mailto:foley.gary at epa.gov><mailto:foley.gary at epa.gov>>, "tom.moran at ahcusa.org<mailto:tom.moran at ahcusa.org><mailto:tom.moran at ahcusa.org>" <tom.moran at ahcusa.org<mailto:tom.moran at ahcusa.org><mailto:tom.moran at ahcusa.org>>, "kari.hicks at duke-energy.com<mailto:kari.hicks at duke-energy.com><mailto:kari.hicks at duke-energy.com>" <kari.hicks at duke-energy.com<mailto:kari.hicks at duke-energy.com><mailto:kari.hicks at duke-energy.com>>
Subject: [Esip-disasters] Update on plans for a disaster summit on earth observation data, systems and the Americas

All, at the recent ESIP meeting in January I described intent to host a disaster risk reduction and response summit this fall to look at earth observation data, products, systems and relevance specific to the Americas in Buens Aires week of Sept 3-8.  Attached is a ?draft? outline to keep you in the loop. We are still pulling together the logistics, agendas, audience and format.  We expect senior managers and decision makers, practitioners, and related stakeholders relevant to the Americas (North and South, Latin including Caribbean?.)  I would like a recommendation on how we might include representation from ESIP in the dialogues and in the exercise, planning or potentially sponsorship of activities NASA cannot support.  I am also looking at various individual groups meeting on the side and perhaps ESIP would have a suggestion where they might best engage regionally. There is a suggestion to have a private sector group and I know ESRI is interested as well as IBM, MS?.. we are looking for other sector stakeholders.

We will likely be at the Intercontinental Hotel Buenos Aires, with potential side events. But meeting will include plenary to hear of contributing stakeholder groups (not individuals per se) up front, but then poster and breakout opportunities for different groups to work to advance issues and work plans. We will convene again around a table-top disaster scenario exercise that we will plan, sponsor and organize.  Outcomes include integrated workplans and partnerships.  Your interests in the regionalization and partnerships will be critical.  We don?t have the bandwidth to hear from each of you so I am asking if Karen and Dave  or Tom? or some subset of ESIP disaster group could collect input and let us know who might be a designated POC.  We will provide more details such as the agenda plans and hope to have a website up shortly.

David S. Green, PhD
Program Manager, Disasters

National Aeronautics and Space Administration/NASA-HQ Science Mission Directorate/Earth Science Division/Applied Sciences Program
300 E Street SW, Mail Code 3V75, Washington DC 20546-0001

Office Phone:  +1.202.358.0032    Office Fax: +1.202.358.2770
Mobile Phone: +1.202.748.2875    E-mail:  David.S.Green at nasa.gov<mailto:David.S.Green at nasa.gov><mailto:David.S.Green at nasa.gov>

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