[Esip-disasters] AGU IN058: Where We Live and Work: Improving Data and Models for Human Settlements, Infrastructure, and Population Distribution

Bob Chen bchen at ciesin.columbia.edu
Fri Jul 7 10:40:47 EDT 2017

Disaster Cluster members--

Please consider submitting an abstract to session IN058, "Where We Live 
and Work: Improving Data and Models for Human Settlements, 
Infrastructure, and Population Distribution," at the fall American 
Geophysical Union meeting, December 11-15, 2017, in New Orleans 
(https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm17/preliminaryview.cgi/Session26361). The 
session will be an unusual opportunity to interact with the diverse set 
of data providers, users, and other stakeholders working with 
georeferenced data and models related to human settlements, the built 
infrastructure, and population distribution in support of a range of 
research and application areas. We are interested in not only in new 
data and methods for mapping and characterizing population and 
infrastructure in an integrated way, but also in examples of the 
applications of these data in disaster risk management, mitigation and 
adaptation efforts, poverty reduction, conservation, resource 
management, communications and transportation, and other aspects of 
sustainable development.

Please note that the submission deadline is *Wednesday, August 2*. Feel 
free to contact me directly if you have any questions. We hope you will 
consider submitting to this session! Cheers, Bob

P.S. Apologies for cross-posting...

    IN058: Where We Live and Work: Improving Data and Models for Human
    Settlements, Infrastructure, and Population Distribution

*Session ID#: * 26361

Our exposure and vulnerability to extreme events, climate change, 
conflict, and other threats, as well as our ability to develop 
sustainably and build resilience, are conditioned on where we live and 
work and on our ability to develop and maintain protective 
infrastructure in sustainable human settlements. An increasing array of 
remote sensing and other data sources are opening up opportunities to 
better assess, monitor, model, and predict population and infrastructure 
patterns, characteristics, and change on diverse spatial and temporal 
scales. This session will showcase new data sources and applications, 
innovative data mining and analytic methods, and evolving modeling and 
validation approaches from a range of natural, social, health, and 
engineering science communities. It will provide a venue to examine and 
discuss emerging applications of data to address pressing societal 
decisions, challenges in open data access, integration, and use, and 
ways to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration across the public and 
private sectors.

Primary Convener: *Robert S Chen*, Columbia University of New York, 
Palisades, NY, United States
Conveners: *Budhendra L Bhaduri*, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak 
Ridge, TN, United States, *Andrea Gaughan*, University of Louisville, 
Dept. of Geography and Geosciences, Louisville, KY, United States and 
*Gregory Yetman*, Columbia University, CIESIN, Palisades, NY, United States
Co-Organized with:*
*Earth and Space Science Informatics*,Global Environmental Change,and 
Natural Hazards

Dr. Robert S. Chen
Director, Center for International Earth Science Information Network
  (CIESIN), The Earth Institute, Columbia University
Manager, NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC)
P.O. Box 1000, 61 Route 9W, Palisades, NY 10964 USA
tel. +1 845-365-8952; fax +1 845-365-8922
e-mail:bchen at ciesin.columbia.edu
CIESIN web site:http://www.ciesin.columbia.edu
SEDAC web site:http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu

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