[Esip-disasters] FW: Setting up a conference call with ESIP

Moe, Karen (GSFC-407.0)[EMERITUS] karen.moe at nasa.gov
Fri Jul 14 10:50:46 EDT 2017

I requested a meeting with FEMA to discuss how FEMA evaluates, vets or certifies data for emergency response work and want to know if anyone has worked with the data sources that Chris Vaughn/FEMA identified below, namely

Has anyone used these sources for disasters-related data or products? Has anyone supplied data to them?

Appreciate a quick response.

From: Stephen White <Stephen.White at fema.dhs.gov<mailto:Stephen.White at fema.dhs.gov>>
Date: Thursday, July 13, 2017 at 10:51 AM
To: Karen Moe <karen.moe at nasa.gov<mailto:karen.moe at nasa.gov>>
Cc: "Hicks, Kari Margaret" <Kari.Hicks at duke-energy.com<mailto:Kari.Hicks at duke-energy.com>>, Dave Jones <dave at stormcenter.com<mailto:dave at stormcenter.com>>, Tom Moran <tom.moran at ahcusa.org<mailto:tom.moran at ahcusa.org>>, "Anthony Hurley (AHurley at wittobriens.com<mailto:AHurley at wittobriens.com>)" <AHurley at wittobriens.com<mailto:AHurley at wittobriens.com>>, Kent Kildow <richard.k.kildow at verizon.com<mailto:richard.k.kildow at verizon.com>>
Subject: RE: Setting up a conference call with ESIP

Good morning folks:

Just looping back with the group to see if anyone has any comments or experience with these sources of data?


From: White, Stephen
Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2017 12:44 PM
To: 'Moe, Karen (GSFC-407.0)[EMERITUS]' <karen.moe at nasa.gov<mailto:karen.moe at nasa.gov>>
Cc: Hicks, Kari Margaret <Kari.Hicks at duke-energy.com<mailto:Kari.Hicks at duke-energy.com>>; Dave Jones <dave at stormcenter.com<mailto:dave at stormcenter.com>>; 'Tom Moran' <tom.moran at ahcusa.org<mailto:tom.moran at ahcusa.org>>; Anthony Hurley (AHurley at wittobriens.com<mailto:AHurley at wittobriens.com>) <AHurley at wittobriens.com<mailto:AHurley at wittobriens.com>>; Kent Kildow <richard.k.kildow at verizon.com<mailto:richard.k.kildow at verizon.com>>
Subject: RE: Setting up a conference call with ESIP

Hi Folks:  I met with Chris Vaughan briefly, and sat in on a briefing last Friday concerning
how AHC might get access to data from govt side of the house.

Chris did state that he supported our efforts, and that most of the issues with firewalls and
having access are hard and fast rules that it is not likely to change in the near future.

There are three sources of getting open source data from the government that I am not
sure anyone has already tapped.  We need to see what we can get from the following sources.

What Chris did tell me is that all the data we use in FEMA is open source data…..we have no
private feeds of information..

That being the case, we should, according to Chris Vaughan, be able to access and add any of
the apps on these three sites to our common operating picture:




The last one is shown in the link Chris gave me and I think it has a lot of potential.

Can any of the three of you confirm we have or have not tried to download the apps
from the sites listed above?

Once I know what we DO have, we can develop specific applications that we need and
do not have and then we can set up the meeting with Chris Vaughan.

Kent/Tony/Tom:  Any thoughts or comments?


Stephen T. White
Supply Chain Advisor
FEMA Logistics Management Directorate
Stephen.White at fema.dhs.gov<mailto:Stephen.White at fema.dhs.gov>
Office: (202) 646-4356
Cell:  (202) 510-6584

“Education without experience is pretty thin stuff”

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas

“Quality is free.  It’s not a gift, but it is free.  What costs money are
the unquality things-all the actions that involve not doing jobs right
the first time.”

Phillip Crosby, Early Pioneer in Quality Assurance

From: Moe, Karen (GSFC-407.0)[EMERITUS] [mailto:karen.moe at nasa.gov]
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2017 12:10 PM
To: White, Stephen <Stephen.White at fema.dhs.gov<mailto:Stephen.White at fema.dhs.gov>>
Cc: Hicks, Kari Margaret <Kari.Hicks at duke-energy.com<mailto:Kari.Hicks at duke-energy.com>>; Dave Jones <dave at stormcenter.com<mailto:dave at stormcenter.com>>
Subject: Setting up a conference call with ESIP

Hi Steve,

Thanks for offering to set up a call for my ESIP team to discuss your team's insights regarding the evaluating, vetting and/or certifying data for operational use. I am seeking such examples for our upcoming ESIP meeting on July 28 and have copied the session description below for context. I’m confident that we can learn a lot from FEMA!

Please let me know how you would like to proceed in setting up the call for the week of June 12 (please note that I am not available on Thursday June 15).


What Do We Mean by “Trusted” Data?
This interactive breakout session will build on initial work in the Disasters Lifecycle Cluster addressing Trusted Data concepts (derived from www.tdwi.org<http://www.tdwi.org>). The goal is to develop a working definition of Trusted Data for data sets supporting disasters-related activities, however clarifying the characteristics and features will be relevant to other ESIP data domains. In recent work with the All Hazards Consortium on Data Driven Decision Making, our 3DM workshops, we see a need for a more precise definition of Trusted Data as we discover, test and validate data sets for operational use. We plan to leverage relevant lessons learned from disaster preparedness exercises such as Cascadia Rising, and experience with socio-economic data at CIESIN. We will also review complementary work on Operational Readiness Levels (ORLs) for maturing data sets through the ESIP Geo-Collaborate Testbed, with an end goal of validating or certifying resulting data sets as Trusted.

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