[Esip-disasters] ESIP Disasters Cluster telecom Thursday 12/6/18 - 4:00pm ET / 1:00pm PT

Moe, Karen (GSFC-407.0)[EMERITUS] karen.moe at nasa.gov
Wed Nov 28 13:48:38 EST 2018

Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving last week! We are entering into the busy holiday season, with lots of activities like AGU, OGC, AMS and ESIP! Our November 15 ESIP Webinar was a big success and many thanks to all who contributed and participated! Onward…
Best Regards,

Please join our telecom at our regular 1st Thursday of the month. I’ll be sending out an agenda later, but we will be discussing plans for the January 2019 ESIP Winter Meeting.

Thursday, December 6
 Disaster Lifecycle
WhenThu, December 6, 4pm – 5pm ET
DescriptionPlease join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/691265765 You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (872) 240-3311 Access Code: 691-265-765
more details»<https://www.google.com/calendar/event?eid=ZGdpYmRmaTl2ZW9vbDk0Y3RnZTFyZmU1N2tfMjAxODEyMDZUMjEwMDAwWiBzYjljbm1ha25xcHNpZnM3dHRuOWtzb2J1MEBn&ctz=America/New_York>  copy to my calendar<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/b/0/event?action=TEMPLATE&hl=en&text=Disaster%20Lifecycle&dates=20181206T160000%2F20181206T170000&location=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gotomeeting.com%2Fjoin%2F691265765&ctz=America%2FNew_York&details=Please%20join%20my%20meeting%20from%20your%20computer%2C%20tablet%20or%20smartphone.%0Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.gotomeeting.com%2Fjoin%2F691265765%0A%0AYou%20can%20also%20dial%20in%20using%20your%20phone.%0A%0AUnited%20States%3A%20%2B1%20%28872%29%20240-3311%0A%0AAccess%20Code%3A%20691-265-765>

Please help us capture notes on our google docs page:

Disasters Cluster Session at the 2019 ESIP Winter Meeting: Wednesday, Jan 16 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm

Maturing the Operational Readiness Level – ORL Framework for Disasters Applications

The Disasters Lifecycle cluster in collaboration with the All Hazards Consortium developed initial ORLs with the electric utilities, and is now “operationalizing” ORLs for data-driven decision-making support to improve situational awareness. The criteria for the ORLs and a flowchart assessment tool, exercised by the AHC team at Duke Energy for response to the 2018 Hurricane Florence, proved very useful. The initial ORL criteria were defined for the electric sector’s use to transport work crews and restore power after destructive storms. However the usability criteria is expected to change for different disaster scenarios. Some factors may go across many use cases for many applications, such as security criteria that is key to establishing trust. However other factors are driven by the use case to address latency or resolution criteria. Work continues on refining strategies and criteria for assessing candidate datasets for specific operational use cases, and maturing the ORL concept as a Framework for different applications.

During this session we plan to address the issue of terminology to seek a common vocabulary relevant to various disasters application, leveraging what we’ve learned from the electric utility sector. We also would like to examine the ORL assessment tool and how the current ORL criteria are applied and look for gaps and lessons learned. The goal is to refine a framework strategy enabling the ORL concept to be applied to other disasters applications.
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