[Esip-disasters] Latest ORL Intro Deck or Resources?

Tripp Corbett CCorbett at esri.com
Wed Dec 19 14:34:23 EST 2018

Hi ESIP Disasters Cluster,

I hope you've all been well, and I miss joining the calls in my new role.  As promised however, I'm doing my darndest to spread adoption of EO data and best practices in my new areas of responsibility.

Last week I was talking with a set of users who I can't unfortunately name, but they were lamenting the variety of SLAs attached to data being shared in their community and how it really wasn't clear what would be available when.  Sound familiar? :)

I was hoping you all had a nice wiki page or ORL presentation deck I could send them so they could learn more and potentially adopt the standard.  Maybe even join the Cluster at the upcoming Winter Meeting!

Thanks for anything you have, I hope each of you are well, and happy holidays,


Tripp Corbett | US Postal Service Team Lead & Government Financial Regulators Account Manager
Esri | 8615 Westwood Center Drive | Vienna, VA 22182 | USA
T: 703-506-9515 x1-8069 | M: 305-434-0710 | ccorbett at esri.com<mailto:ccorbett at esri.com> | @EsriTripp<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__twitter.com_-40esritripp&d=DwMFAg&c=n6-cguzQvX_tUIrZOS_4Og&r=HLJddPiQlz0QX2OsrIxtOw&m=edpoAJAiZMIg-Nsr-OInEIbqyDAWOD9rvCyNlqqwn3g&s=wuUGVvOe-8J8HePnpdX2XiBcI6SxyXO3BpOUxit_dTQ&e=>


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