[Esip-disasters] Nov 7 Monthly Telecom 1:00p PT/ 4:00p ET

kmoe karen.moe at nasa.gov
Mon Nov 4 23:09:36 EST 2019

We are continuing our pursuit of trusted data, discovery-access-evaluation-use for rapid decision making. Please join us to identify specific topics and speakers for the ESIP winter <https://2020esipwintermeeting.sched.com/info> session “Putting Data to Work”. Registration is open now. The session description is listed below. 

We would also like to hear about other ongoing efforts from our members. We’ve been asked to give a short update to the OGC Emergency and Disasters Mgmt Domain WG on Nov 18. Lots to talk about!

Disaster Lifecycle
Thu, November 7, 4pm – 5pm
https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/691265765 <https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/691265765> (map <https://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gotomeeting.com%2Fjoin%2F691265765>)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
https://www.got <https://www.got/>omeeting.com/jo <http://omeeting.com/jo>in/691265765

You can also dial in using your phone.

United States: +1 (872) 240-3311

Access Code: 691-265-765
Our google docs page for taking notes:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IfFKkRf3pzJp2I7OpCHGcpLjrh7fJ3Q7xSuAOC-K2g8/edit <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IfFKkRf3pzJp2I7OpCHGcpLjrh7fJ3Q7xSuAOC-K2g8/edit> 

We are still able to edit our 2020 ESIP Winter Meeting session description here <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1DC29hWgCRHW6EFqAkTOUQ7DSz6LIcNBhS_M1YdZckUDjvg/formResponse?edit2=2_ABaOnucf2s4Ocj0nK7xRa3wVm1b7K93Jgd3E2StqZThJLmFL0IqKZLqgMijBBb_iP4IFnwQ>. 

Title: Inviting providers of trusted science data products for decision makers. Let’s talk Operational Readiness Levels (ORLs)

Short Title: Trusted Data for Decision Makers: ORL

Approach: The Disaster Lifecycle Cluster has seen great success in its efforts to put Federated arms around “trusted data for decision makers” as a way to accelerate situational awareness and decision-making. By identifying trust levels for data. This session will build upon the Summer meeting and align perfectly with the overall ESIP theme of: Data to Action: Increasing the Use and Value of Earth Science Data and Information.
The ESIP Disaster Lifecycle Cluster has evolved into one of the most operationally active clusters in the Federation with a thirst for applying datasets to decision-making environments while building trust levels that manifest themselves as ORLs. Duke Energy, All Hazards Consortium’s Sensitive Information Sharing environment (SISE), DHS and FEMA are all increasing their interest in ORLs with their sights set on implementing them in the near future. Data is available everywhere and more of it is on the way. Trusted data is available some places and can help decision makers such as utilities make 30-second decisions that can save lives, property and get the lights back on sooner, saving millions of dollars.
This session will provide the venue to discuss emerging projects from NASA’s Applied Sciences Division (A.37), Initiatives at JPL and Federal Agency data portal access that can accelerate decision making today and in the future. We will also discuss drone data and European satellite data that is available for access and use when disasters threaten. Come and join us, the data you have may just save a life.
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