[Esip-disasters] Fwd: ESIP Update: Collaboration Area Highlights Webinar, Virtual Data Help Desk, and more
Karen Moe
karen.moe at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 20 21:42:42 EDT 2020
Hi Disasters cluster,
Please tune in to the April 22 Webinar as we are one of the 12 clusters/committees who will be reporting. There are opportunities for the Disasters cluster to reach out to the Discovery, Climate & Ag, Drone clusters, and I&T committee. Dave Jones will do our 3 minutes Highlight and discuss plans for the upcoming Summing Meeting. Access info is here: Collaboration Area Highlights Webinar <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=f8be51e3b5&e=d546eef30f>
We’re anticipating it will likely be virtual, but at any rate we’ve submitted proposals for two sessions as copied below. We are still working out details for speakers that you can check out at our Disaster Cluster Collaborative Notes <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IfFKkRf3pzJp2I7OpCHGcpLjrh7fJ3Q7xSuAOC-K2g8/edit> google docs site. Comments and suggestions for speakers welcome.
Public-Private Partnerships in the Age of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic
Abstract: COVID-19 has turned our worlds upside down, impacting our lives, our businesses and the economy in significant ways. Emergency response has had to adapt rapidly to an unseen and deadly virus. Decisions are being driven, mostly by data and that data needs to be trusted. This session will focus on identifying how the disaster response community trusts data. The All Hazards Consortium and ESIP have come up with Operational Readiness Levels (ORL) for trusted data and this is being embraced by private and public sector organizations and agencies.
We will focus our meeting on how public-private partnerships accelerate decision making and how the identification of trusted data, and the sharing of that data, leads to rapid data-driven decision making across multiple sectors. This can save lives. We are building on the ESIP winter meeting theme of “Putting Data to Work” and our session mapping data ORLs to FEMA Community Lifelines <https://www.fema.gov/lifelines>. In this session we will continue to encourage data producers, providers and users to work with us in the Disaster Lifecyle Cluster so we can refine our definitions of trusted data and ORLs.
Part 1 invites presentations on COVID-19 trusted data access and sharing from people who can discuss the challenges and goals for data sharing.
Part 2 explores challenges in providing trusted data and technology throughout the COVID-19 response teams from decision makers to community engagement.
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Megan Carter <megancarter at esipfed.org>
> Subject: ESIP Update: Collaboration Area Highlights Webinar, Virtual Data Help Desk, and more
> Date: April 20, 2020 at 11:14:33 AM EDT
> To: Karen <karen.moe at earthlink.net>
> Reply-To: Megan Carter <megancarter at esipfed.org>
> Preview: Collaboration Area Highlights Webinar, Virtual Data Help Desk, and more View this email in your browser <https://mailchi.mp/esipfed/vbcgl62zds-2669188?e=d546eef30f>
> ESIP UPDATE: 04.20.2020
> Good morning, ESIP,
> This is a particularly busy week for ESIP, including leadership and collaboration areas. The Board will have their quarterly meeting today and we look forward to the ESIP Collaboration Area Highlights Webinar <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=f8be51e3b5&e=d546eef30f>this Wednesday (4/22) at 3 pm ET. Twelve ESIP groups will share their recent work and plans for the future. For me, this is an exciting event because of the cross-collaboration area connections that can be forged in real-time. Last year's Highlights Webinar <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=d681374a55&e=d546eef30f> set off a series of interactions that could be seen between groups throughout the rest of the year in both telecons and ESIP meeting sessions.
> If you are looking for a great read this week, check out this new blog post <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=b7614713e2&e=d546eef30f> about the Community Resilience Cluster <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=73aab515e7&e=d546eef30f>, written by Community Fellow Zachary Robbins and cluster participants.
> Finally, I wanted to make sure you are aware of the Virtual Data Help Desk <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=13c45b2232&e=d546eef30f> to be held during the week of EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=2d1b3cb591&e=d546eef30f> (May 4th-May 8th, 2020). The event is being hosted by ESIP, EGU, AGU, and EarthCube. Just like the in-person events, this virtual event will connect researchers with informatics experts familiar with their scientific domain to share skills and techniques that will help further research and make data and software open and FAIR. We are recruiting data experts <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=702da18774&e=d546eef30f> who can address data questions via Twitter (#DataHelpDesk) or share recordings of demos or tutorials. We hope you'll follow the conversation and jump in where you can, as well as tell others <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=5304894d36&e=d546eef30f>!
> Hoping you are well and staying safe,
> Megan
> ---
> Megan Carter Orlando
> ESIP Community Director
> This Week's Collaboration Area Telecons:
> Tuesday: Governance
> Wednesday: Collaboration Area Highlights <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=b003ddd096&e=d546eef30f>
> Thursday: Marine Data; Schema.org <http://schema.org/>; Air Quality
> See the full telecon calendar here <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=223367c304&e=d546eef30f>. Select the meeting you'd like to attend, login instructions are included in description.
> <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=5f9a7c3f12&e=d546eef30f>
> ESIP News
> Job Opportunity with ESIP: Executive Director
> As announced in the FY19 Annual Report and at the 2020 Winter Meeting, Erin Robinson will be stepping down as Executive Director at the end of her 2nd term in October 2020 after 10 years as ESIP staff and over 15 years as part of the ESIP community. Learn more about the opportunity and access the full position description here <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=82e7ec2129&e=d546eef30f>.
> ESIP Collaboration Area Highlights Webinar *THIS WEDNESDAY* (4/22 at 3 pm ET)
> ESIP home to many vibrant and diverse community-driven collaboration areas focused on Earth science data challenges and opportunities. Join us for this webinar where ESIP's clusters and committees will give fast-paced lightning presentations about their goals and recent activities. Webinar attendees can expect to gain a broader awareness of ongoing ESIP collaboration area efforts and to learn how to get involved.
> Participating collaboration areas: Agriculture and Climate, Community Resilience, CLEAN Network, Data Stewardship, Discovery, Disaster Lifecycle, Envirosensing, Information Management Code Registry, Information Technology & Interoperability, Schema.org <http://schema.org/>, Semantic Harmonization, and Sustainable Data Management.
> When: Wednesday April 22nd, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM ET
> Join: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/417506261 <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=13399fc19e&e=d546eef30f>
> More info (including Int'l dial-in numbers): here <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=16459a5d01&e=d546eef30f>
> New Community Resilience Cluster Blog Post: Increasing the Value of Earth Science Data to Improve Community Resilience
> In a newly-released blog post, ESIP Community Fellow Zachary Robbins and other members of the Community Resilience <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=9539a015f6&e=d546eef30f> Cluster <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=f6351a4327&e=d546eef30f>, including Chair Arika Virapongse, Rupu Gupta, and Jonathan Blythe, describe the cluster's goals and activities, including the development of a problem statement. Read the full post here <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=4e5f6694cb&e=d546eef30f>.
> ESIP Cloud Computing Cluster Survey
> The ESIP Cloud Computing Cluster is looking for those with knowledge on Cloud Data Optimization to take a short survey <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=f4f8392e2d&e=d546eef30f>. This survey will help the group to build a knowledge base about the current state of the art and emerging needs. If you're interested to keep up with the work of the Cloud Computing Cluster, please consider joining their mailing list <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=9a2e9baa9c&e=d546eef30f>.
> More News
> CIRES Education & Outreach: Biweekly Webinar Series for Children and Families
> These 30 minute webinars feature CIRES/NOAA scientists talking about what they do as scientists, how they got into science, what they are researching, and a Q&A session. At the end of each presentation will be a list of recommended activities that can be done from home and while physical distancing. Register here <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=b5fedf02e6&e=d546eef30f> for the webinars below. Contact ciresoutreach at colorado.edu <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=5c099faffb&e=d546eef30f> with any questions or for more information.
> Schedule:
> 4/21 at 11:00 MT: Janice Bytheway (Topic: Precipitation)
> 4/23 at 13:00 MT: Amy Butler (Topic: Polar Vortex)
> 4/28 at 11:00 MT: Elizabeth Thompson (Topic: Air-sea Interactions and Boundary Layer Meteorology)
> 4/30 at 13:00 MT: Noah Fierer (Topic: Microbes in Soils of Antarctica)
> 5/5 at 11:00 MT: Lincoln Pitcher (Topic: Ice Sheets)
> 5/7 at 13:00 MT: Rick Saltus, Manoj Nair, Neesha Schnepf (Topic: Geomagnetism)
> SEDAC Global COVID-19 Viewer
> A new mapping tool shows the density of population in relation to reported coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases at country and sub-national levels, and lets users obtain estimates of the number of people by age and sex in an area of interest, including areas not currently reporting large numbers of cases. Developed by the NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC), the SEDAC Global COVID-19 Viewer: Population Estimates by Age Group and Sex has the unique capability of letting users retrieve age and sex structure data for any area, including across country boundaries or within countries. Learn more here <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=ddeaf4ecf2&e=d546eef30f>.
> Making Innovative Use of NASA Satellite Data to Address Environmental, Economic, and/or Societal Impacts of COVID-19
> NASA's Earth Science Division would like to call the attention of the Earth Science research, applications, and data systems communities to Program Element A.28 "Rapid Response and Novel Research in Earth Science" (RRNES) <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=7f0387d060&e=d546eef30f> of Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) 2020 as an opportunity to propose investigations making innovative use of NASA satellite data to address regional-to-global environmental, economic, and/or societal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Potential proposals may address R&A-related topics more fundamental in underlying physical and/or biological sciences (including possible connections to socioeconomic activities) and/or ASP-related topics characterizing impacts of decisions or efforts to inform decision makers on regional-to-global levels in their responses to mitigate the impacts of the disease. While proposed studies must use NASA satellite data and information products as a primary source of information and research tools, they may also utilize remote sensing data and products from government agencies, international, or commercial sources. Studies utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques including Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) are encouraged. For any questions about this opportunity, please contact Dr. Laura Lorenzoni of ESD at (202) 358-0917 or by Email at laura.lorenzoni at nasa.gov <mailto:laura.lorenzoni at nasa.gov>.
> Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI) Summer 2020 Student Interns
> SGCI welcomes organizations interested in hosting an intern to do gateway-related development during the summer of 2020 to submit an application to request an intern (https://sciencegateways.org/engage/internships#hostintern <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=7278bcaa43&e=d546eef30f>) by May 29, 2020. Due to COVID-19, all internship placements will be virtual this summer. SGCI's Workforce Development service area can either select an intern for you, or you can recommend a student that you'd like to work with. If you decide to recommend a student, you'll need to provide their details on the form. In order to accommodate as many students as possible, full or partial funding through the host institution is requested but not required. Questions? Send them to nayiri at umich.edu <mailto:nayiri at umich.edu> or help at sciencegateways.org <mailto:help at sciencegateways.org>.
> Gateways 2020 Call for Participation (Tutorials due Apr. 28; other formats due May 11)
> Call for Participation: Gateways 2020 (October 19–21, Bethesda, Maryland) is now accepting submissions of short papers, demos, panels, tutorials, and workshops on the topic of gateways for science, engineering, or other disciplines. Popular topics include:
> Gateway design, use, impact, development processes, sustainability, or best practices
> Educational topics (tutorials, demos) directed toward the next generation of gateway creators as well as gateways used for education; Any other aspect interesting to fellow gateway creators or users, such as emerging capabilities, approaches or technologies; and Learning Labs (impromptu group discussions and gatherings) will also be welcoming early submissions as well as on-site proposed topics. See more details including submission deadlines here <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=9e16b66d94&e=d546eef30f>.
> NCEAS Training on Reproducible Research Techniques for Synthesis
> Registration is open for a new intensive, five-day immersion course “Reproducible Research Techniques for Synthesis” (8/17-8/21 in Santa Barbara, CA). The course, which will happen quarterly, will enable environmental researchers across career stages and sectors to gain fundamental data science skills in support of open, reproducible research techniques. Major course foci will include managing data to enable better reuse, building reproducible workflows using R and git, and communicating results within the framework of synthesis science. This is an opportunity for students, researchers, data managers, and others to reinforce or expand their learning and become familiar with current best practices and tools in data science and open science. These skills will enable you to maximize your productivity, share your data effectively, and accelerate the scientific community’s ability to work together on solving important questions about the natural environment and our interactions with it. Learn more and apply by 7/20 here <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=e921903901&e=d546eef30f>.
> Arctic Data Center Data Science Training
> The Arctic Data Center will host a 5-day data science training workshop October 19 - 23, 2020 at NCEAS in Santa Barbara, California. This 5-day workshop will provide researchers with an overview of data management practices, data science tools, and concrete steps and methods for more easily documenting and uploading their data to the Arctic Data Center. Both early career and established researchers from the Arctic research community are encouraged to apply. Participants will be selected on the basis of their current research or work activities; their previous experience with open science practices, data management techniques, and analysis methods; and their current or former opportunities to access training in these areas. We will prioritize applications from individuals currently funded through the NSF Polar Programs. Participants will receive support to cover the cost of airfare and accommodations for the duration of the course. See more info and apply by 4/24 here <https://esipfed.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=ca50850794ee72b04765ac93c&id=de558440ea&e=d546eef30f>. For questions, contact training at arcticdata.io <mailto:training at arcticdata.io>.
> Questions/comments? Reply directly to this note or click the button below to email us at staff at esipfed.org <mailto:staff at esipfed.org>
> ESIP is funded with support from NASA, NOAA, and the USGS.
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