[Esip-disasters] Fwd: 2022 ESIP January Meeting Session Proposal Form
Karen Moe
karen.moe at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 8 21:57:42 EST 2021
Here’s our session proposal, 1 of 26 as of now. I added comment from Shelley to the Purpose.
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Google Forms <forms-receipts-noreply at google.com>
> Subject: 2022 ESIP January Meeting Session Proposal Form
> Date: November 8, 2021 at 9:48:42 PM EST
> To: karen.moe at earthlink.net
> Thanks for filling out 2022 ESIP January Meeting Session Proposal Form <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJOF6bct_ZAvyxJcPj1bFJBP2YpT5KOw47qL2HQlD970b1fA/viewform?usp=mail_form_link>Here's what was received.
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> 2022 ESIP January Meeting Session Proposal Form
> Please fill out the following form to propose a session for the 2022 ESIP January Meeting, to be held virtually (Jan. 18th-21st, 2022). Session proposals should be submitted by COB on November 8th. Notification of acceptance will be shared by November 17th.
> Submitted sessions will be reviewed based on the quality and completeness of the proposal, as well as relevance to ESIP areas of interest and to the 2022 year theme "Data for All People: From Data Generation to Data Use and Understanding." For this reason, please provide as complete a session proposal as you can, including speaker names. Submission of a session proposal does not guarantee that the session will be accepted. You will have a chance to update your proposal to include more details.
> *Please note*: For this meeting, we are primarily focusing on 90-minute sessions. We encourage session leaders to concentrate on designing these high-quality 90-minute sessions. A handful of 150 minute sessions, as well as 60 minute sessions may also be available by invitation-only based on quality of proposal, anticipated interest, and time available in the schedule.
> Email *
> karen.moe at earthlink.net <mailto:karen.moe at earthlink.net>
> Session Lead Organizer Name *
> Dave Jones
> Session Lead Organizer Email *
> This is the email that will be used for all correspondences from ESIP Staff. The session lead will be responsible for sharing information with other session organizers, as well as disseminating presenter guidelines shared by ESIP to session presenters.
> dave at stormcenter.com <mailto:dave at stormcenter.com>
> Other Session Organizer(s) *
> *If more than one, add comma separated* Session lead organizer (above) will be considered main point of contact for ESIP Staff.
> Karen Moe
> Session Title *
> ESIP Cross-Domain Collaboration Laboratory -- Let’s Look at Wildfires
> Session Description *
> Please describe your session with as much specificity as possible and how you see its connection to the theme “Data for All People: From Data Generation to Data Use and Understanding."
> Global and local challenges are increasing from a rapidly changing climate that is fueling extreme events. As of September 1, 2021, the year-to-date total of weather and climate disaster events with losses exceeding $1 billion each across the U.S. stands at 18 and is four events shy of the 2020 record for the most disasters on record in a calendar year.
> While the number of extreme events continues to increase, the impacts on people, communities, supply chains, transportation, communication and utility sectors also continue to grow due to aging critical infrastructure, increased vulnerabilities due to more demand from growing populations, and more people moving into hazard-prone areas that typically lack region-specific preparedness campaigns.
> Data availability has also been increasing at logarithmic scales while the ability to discover, trust and use that data has lagged behind the ‘data availability’ growth rates. Non-technical decision makers, who crave trusted data that can be used to drive decision making, cannot find what they need, often due to the complex semantics of hazards and disasters. When they do find a relevant data source, they have to trust it in order to make a decision. Once they have gained trust in the source and used the data in their decision making processes, they are more than happy to provide feedback on the data.
> This session will bring together members from the ESIP #DataReadiness, #Discovery, #InformationQuality, #SemanticHarmonization, #CommunityResilience, #Ag&Climate, #Envirosensing and #DisasterLifecycle clusters to engage in some active use case conversations, such as wildfire impacts on communities and the movement of fleet utility vehicles across the nation to restore power. We desire to leverage and grow a way to serve decision makers through lay language data discoverability and use to drive more rapid decisions. This could prove to be extremely valuable as we seek to cut the time between data discovery, trust and decision making.
> Session Purpose *
> Make your case for why this session needs to be part of the January Meeting. What challenges, problems, or opportunities are happening that your session is responding to? Why is this session important to you and/or the ESIP community and/or to advancing the work of an existing ESIP project?
> Examine how to cut across ESIP domains of expertise to put more data to work through improved discovery and collaboration. Build data unification approaches to serve all communities locally, globally and equitably. Identify plain language data discoverability techniques to drive rapid decisions in disasters.
> Outcomes/Goals *
> What do you want to accomplish during this session? Specifically, what do you want to get from this session and what do you want the participants to get from coming to your session?
> Our goal is to identify a use case to apply ‘search and use’ terminology that can drive trusted dataset access and use within operational environments, while providing ESIP clusters with ideas that could contribute to the Disaster Lifecycle Cluster’s ESIP Ecosystem of Innovation to accelerate research into operations.
> The Disaster Lifecycle Cluster continues to work with the All Hazards Consortium (AHC) to evolve “Operational Readiness Levels” (ORLs) that provide non-technical decision makers with higher confidence levels in data. We will also discuss mapping NASA “Application Readiness Levels” (ARLs) to ORLs to accelerate access to NASA datasets that may be applied in operational environments.
> Length of Time/Duration *
> For this meeting, we are primarily focusing on 90-minute sessions. We encourage session leaders to concentrate on designing these high-quality 90-minute sessions. However, in some instances a different duration might be more suitable for your session’s purpose and design. For this reason, we will have a very limited number of 60- and 150-minute sessions that will be by invitation only. Tell us if your session needs something other than 90-minutes and make a case for why your season should get it. When we notify you of session acceptance, we will also notify you of the duration your session has received.
> 90 minutes
> Session Participants
> Speakers
> If your session’s design includes multiple speakers, 1) tell us how many, 2) who they are including email address, and 3) if they are confirmed or not.
> Confirmed: Maggi Glasscoe <mtg0014 at uah.edu <mailto:mtg0014 at uah.edu>>,
> Pier Luigi Buttigieg <pbuttigi at mpi-bremen.de <mailto:pbuttigi at mpi-bremen.de>>
> Target Audience *
> Describe the types of participants that will want to come to your session. Who else cares about, is dealing with, or is impacted by this information, problem, challenge, or opportunity? Whom or what groups do you want to reach? (Ex. certain disciplines, professional roles, facilities, agencies, collaboration areas, etc.)
> ESIP #DataReadiness, #Discovery, #InformationQuality, #SemanticHarmonization, #CommunityResilience, #Ag&Climate, #Envirosensing and #DisasterLifecycle cluster members
> Session Level *
> What level of knowledge or experience with the subject will participants need in order to fully participate in your session?
> No prior knowledge or experience is needed - the session skims the surface or is an introduction
> ✓
> Some prior knowledge would benefit participants – the session will jump right into an intermediate level
> Some prior knowledge would benefit participants AND a quick review of supporting materials before the session will be a sufficient orientation for novices to feel more comfortable in the session
> Experienced practitioners will feel the most comfortable as this session will be a deep dive into the topic AND all skill-levels are welcome to join in
> Cluster Work Session – familiarity with the clusters work and tasks required
> Are you looking for additional speakers? *
> Before each ESIP Meeting, we often have individuals looking to present their work in a session that has already been proposed. If you would welcome additional speaker suggestions, please select "Yes."
> Yes
> No
> Maybe
> If you are looking for additional speakers, please describe what kind of speakers/talks you are looking for.
> We may be able to use your description of desired speakers to attract others to speak in your session. Feel free to be very specific --> "Looking for a nonprofit professional who can speak about how they've integrated CRM, Email, Website and/or other related systems. Ideally, this speaker would be able to walk the audience through a map of how data systems are connected and talk about the experience of working in this integrated environment."
> Recommended Ways for Session Attendees to Prepare
> If your session will be a continuation of previous efforts (e.g. continuation of a collaboration area activity) or otherwise difficult for a newcomer to easily jump into, please provide information on how a newcomer might prepare to attend your session. This could be a link to a webinar, presentation, or past session. You could also include here a sense of what topics/questions participants should come prepared to discuss.
> Do you have candidate data potentially applicable to wildfire disasters?
> Session Tags *
> Select 1-3 session tags that best describe your session. Add other options if needed.
> Cloud Computing
> Data Stewardship
> Education
> Machine Learning
> Metadata
> ✓
> Science Communication
> ✓
> Semantics
> ✓
> Other: Trusted Data
> Collaboration Area Tags *
> Select one or more tags to indicate which ESIP collaboration areas your session relates to or may be of interest to.
> ✓
> Agriculture and Climate
> ✓
> Air Quality
> Biological Data Standards
> Cloud Computing
> ✓
> Community Data
> Community Ontology Repository (COR)
> ✓
> Community Resilience
> ✓
> Disaster Lifecycle
> ✓
> Discovery
> Documentation
> Drones
> Education
> ✓
> Envirosensing
> Information Quality
> IM Code Registry
> Machine Learning
> Marine Data
> Physical Sample Curation
> Public-Private Partnerships
> Research Data Management
> Research Object Citation
> Schema.org <http://schema.org/>
> ✓
> Semantic Harmonization
> Semantic Technologies
> Soil Ontology & Informatics
> Sustainable Data Management
> Usability
> Other:
> Additional Session Tags
> Add a comma-separated list of any additional session tags you feel are appropriate and not captured in previous questions.
> Damage assessment, Wildfire data, terminology
> Will this session feature or discuss any ESIP-supported outputs? If yes, please list.
> e.g., Outputs of ESIP Collaboration Areas or ESIP Lab Projects
> Operational Readiness Levels (ORLs)
> Do you have any suggestions of potential plenary speakers in line with the meeting theme of Leading Innovation in Earth Science Data Frontiers?
> Maybe
> Follow-Up
> You will receive a confirmation email once you submit your session, including a link to edit your session content in the future. Please save this email in a prominent place. Send any questions to staff at esipfed.org <mailto:staff at esipfed.org>.
> To receive up-to-date information about the January Meeting, please make sure you are subscribed to the ESIP Monday Update> http://eepurl.com/cFmghz <http://eepurl.com/cFmghz>
> Create your own Google Form <https://docs.google.com/forms?usp=mail_form_link>
> Report Abuse <https://docs.google.com/forms/u/0/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJOF6bct_ZAvyxJcPj1bFJBP2YpT5KOw47qL2HQlD970b1fA/reportabuse?source=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJOF6bct_ZAvyxJcPj1bFJBP2YpT5KOw47qL2HQlD970b1fA/viewform&usp=mail_receipt_abuse>
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