[Esip-disasters] Disaster Lifecycle Cluster Monthly Meeting Tomorrow 4pm ET

Dave Jones dave at stormcenter.com
Wed Mar 1 16:11:45 EST 2023

Hello everyone from Maggi Glasscoe and Dave Jones! Happy Meteorological


The ESIP Disaster Lifecycle Cluster monthly meeting will be held tomorrow,
March 2, 2023 from 4-5pm ET and we hope that you can join us. We are
defining the future of the cluster over the next several months and we want
your input.


Special Speaker

After introductions and a brief summary of the ESIP winter meeting, we will
welcome Dr. Shanna McClain, NASA Applied Sciences Disasters Program Manager.
Shanna and her team promote the use of Earth observations to support
decisions made across the disaster cycle and at the intersection of
human-environment-climate dimensions. McClain endeavors to define new and
innovative opportunities for applying Earth science information through the
development of partnerships and projects in fragile and crisis-affected
communities to build a more risk-informed global society. McClain is the
Global Partnerships Coordinator for NASA's Earth Science Division, where she
manages private sector engagement with partners such as Mercy Corps, Google,
Conservation International, and Microsoft. She also serves as the Manager of
Socioeconomic Assessments for Applied Sciences, where she manages the
assessment of the value of Earth science information for the benefit of
society and the economy. You can learn more about Shanna at the NASA Applied
Sciences Website
<https://appliedsciences.nasa.gov/about/our-team/shanna-mcclain> .


We will be looking to determine where the Disaster Lifecycle Cluster can
support activities such as the NASA Disasters Program and other disaster
programs as we think about the use of Earth observation data in the context
of vulnerability. Earth Sciences at NASA is changing, and our cluster may be
able to identify areas where society is benefitting or could benefit from
the unification of disparate trusted EO data which includes a wide array of
platforms and model output.


We will also be discussing how we would like to evolve the Disaster
Lifecycle Cluster with the goal of producing a poster for the ESIP Summer
Meeting in Burlington, VT. Please plan to join us for this meeting and
please participate and share your thoughts. As a community-driven cluster,
we want to hear from you and identify where we can make an impact that helps
decision makers and communities understand risk and vulnerability.


If you have thoughts on invited speakers for any of our monthly meetings,
please let Maggi or me know so we can invite them to share their expertise
with us. If you missed the Winter Meeting roundup of presentations (a turbo
charged briefing of sessions) you can access the recording
<https://youtu.be/mmjCnk6r8sk>  at the ESIP YouTube page:


Future meetings of the ESIP Disaster Lifecycle Cluster


April 6, 2023

May 3, 2023

June 7, 2023

July 5, 2023

ESIP Summer Meeting July 18-21, 2023 in Burlington, VT


DLC meeting connection information:


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 852 2179 7707

Passcode: 660866





Dave Jones


CEO, StormCenter Communications, Inc.

AMS Fellow, Applications Futurist, ESIP 2020 Partner of the Year


2016-2023 co-chair ESIP Disaster Lifecycle Cluster

2023 Chair: ESIP Wildfire Cluster

2012-2023 co-chair AMS Weather Ready Nation Symposium

Member: All Hazards Consortium, Sensitive Information Sharing Environment

Member: NOAA Extreme Events Ocean Observing Task Team (EEOOTT)

Member: DHS Extreme Events Working Group


Corporate Address:

UMBC Research & Technology Park South, 

1450 S. Rolling Road, Suite 4.029

Halethorpe, MD 21227

O:410-203-1316, M: 410-271-4413

 <mailto:dave at stormcenter.com> dave at stormcenter.com


NOAA NWS | AOML-HRD | GOMO contractor

NASA Partner | Wildland Fire Program

GeoCollaborateR is an SBIR Phase III technology for synchronous
cross-platform data sharing and collaboration to improve situational
awareness and decision making. (SBIR Contract: NNX12CA85C)
<https://techpartnerships.noaa.gov/2022/11/09/geocollaborate-tool/> Sole
source justifiction


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