[Esip-documentation] updated ACDD information

John Graybeal via Esip-documentation esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org
Fri Oct 3 15:52:11 EDT 2014

Hi again everyone. Here's the deal (if anyone can't make use of these embedded links, let me know):

* Minutes from the Adjudication Meeting are posted on ESIP site (thanks Anna!)
* Version Changes table is thoroughly reorganized and updated
* Active Issues table is updated
* ACDD Working 1.3.1 page updated 
  * with latest changes to match Version Changes table
  * order of attributes is somewhat reorganized
  * Attribute Content Guidance section is added to the front matter

Shortly you will get emails for each of the big issues we have left. I encourage any discussion via those email threads that can help us resolve our understanding and opinions before the meeting. Given the number of issues, it seems safe to say that the briefer the comments, the more likely they will be read.

It WILL be assumed that if no one comments on a particular issue, the general approach outlined is acceptable.

FYI, the issue topics are:
- date & time stamps (the only really hard one)
  - with sub-thread ACDD date attributes question
- role attributes
- geospatial bounds, geospatial_vertical_units
- remainders, collecting smaller issues for pre-meeting resolution

Thanks for your attention.  See you on-line and next Thursday.


John Graybeal
jbgraybeal at mindspring.com
skype: graybealski

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