[Esip-documentation] ACDD meeting: time and agenda

John Graybeal via Esip-documentation esip-documentation at lists.esipfed.org
Wed Dec 10 02:06:09 EST 2014

Hi everyone,

Based on the Doodle poll, all respondents can make Thursday at 4 PM Eastern, 1 PM Pacific.  Erin will set up the call soon, and we will provide that information in separate email.  Thank you all for your patient Doodling.

You can see the proposed changes in version 1.3.5 of the document at 

The agenda so far is:

1) Section: Alignment with NetCDF and CF Conventions    (rewrite for clarity)
2) Section: Maintenance of Metadata     (rewrite for clarity)
3) Section: Comma-Separated Lists      (minor edits for clarity)
4) Attribute: standard_name_vocabulary   
    * Default outcome is no change, unless someone requests a vote 
    * Doodle poll of preferences is at http://doodle.com/9erdnp4ma74aa7ew 
    * See my summary within Topic 1 and Appendix of this post
5) Attribute: product_version         (modified proposal is in the document)
    * software_version has been withdrawn
6) Attribute: cdm_data_type          (proposal is in the document)
    * see proposal, summary, and references email [3]
7) Final comments and wrap-up

I encourage comments to the list if they will help resolve any of these topics. At this point, I suggest any new topics should represent significant issues or opportunities.



[1] Lastest ACDD document: http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/Attribute_Convention_for_Data_Discovery_1-3
[2] standard_name_vocabulary summary: http://www.lists.esipfed.org/pipermail/esip-documentation/2014/000454.html
[3] cdm_data_type proposal/summary: http://www.lists.esipfed.org/pipermail/esip-documentation/2014/000466.html

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