[Esip-drone] Drones/GIS/Natural Resources - UHawaii PhD Position: Tight Deadline! (June 15th)

Lindsay Barbieri lkbar at uvm.edu
Mon Jun 13 00:43:36 EDT 2016

Hello Drone Cluster,

I wanted to pass along this PhD opportunity. It has quite a tight deadline,
June 15th for full consideration, but application consists of: Cover
Letter, CV, Unofficial Transcript and names of three references.

Might be of interest to you or someone you know?

*Fully Funded 4-year PhD Position: Fall 2016*

To apply, please send a 2-page cover letter describing how your career
goals and experience/qualifications make you an ideal fit for the position.
Also attach your CV, unofficial transcripts, and names of three references.
Send to kimberly.carlson at hawaii.edu. Applications received by *June 15,
2016* will receive full consideration.


The Carlson Lab in the Department of Natural Resources and Environment
(NREM) within the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
(CTAHR) at the University of Hawaii at Manoa seeks applicants for a fully
funded 4-year PhD position, starting Fall 2016.

This student will research environmental and social outcomes from oil palm
certification systems in Southeast Asia. The work will combine cutting-edge
geospatial approaches, including data newly available from remote sensing
satellites (Sentinel 2, OCO-2), use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAS), and
cloud computing (Google Earth Engine), with intensive field surveys in
Indonesian and Malaysian oil palm plantations, including interviews with
stakeholders in the oil palm supply chain.

QUALIFICATIONS: The applicant must have expertise in quantitative analysis
or methods (e.g., remote sensing, GIS, statistics, econometrics),
experience in challenging outdoor environments, excellent oral and written
communication skills, and strong interest in learning and applying new
skills. In addition, individuals who speak Indonesian or Malaysian
languages, have lived in Southeast Asia, have worked for environmental
advocacy organizations or industries related to tropical commodities, have
published in peer-reviewed journals, or those with experience in survey
design and stakeholder interviews, are especially well qualified for the
position. Applicants must meet the minimum requirements for admittance into
the NREM PhD program, and should have a master’s degree or equivalent level
of experience.

EXPECTATIONS: The selected individual is expected to conduct field work in
Southeast Asia during summer semesters, submit 1 paper per year to a
quality peer-reviewed journal, present research findings at regional and
international scientific meetings, seek out and apply for multiple external
funding sources each year, and actively participate in lab group meetings
and events.

SUPPORT: The stipend is ~$28,000 for the first three years, with the fourth
year covered by a Teaching Assistantship. Tuition is fully covered by the
University of Hawaii.

LOCATION: The University of Hawaii at Manoa <http://manoa.hawaii.edu/> is
located in Honolulu, Hawaii, a vibrant community that offers incredible
opportunities for outdoor activities as well as a diverse urban
environment. As part of the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human
Resources <http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/>, students in NREM become immersed
in the study of tropical agriculture. Additionally, the East West Center
<http://www.eastwestcenter.org/>provides a strong link to the Asia-Pacific,
including opportunities for student scholarships to work in Asia.

APPLICATION: To apply, please send a 2-page cover letter describing how
your career goals and experience/qualifications make you an ideal fit for
the position. Also attach your CV, unofficial transcripts, and names of
three references. Send to kimberly.carlson at hawaii.edu. Applications
received by *June 15, 2016* will receive full consideration.

QUESTIONS? Feel free to contact Dr. Kimberly Carlson with questions about
the position, and also check out our lab web site (www.carlson-lab.org). A
full description of the NREM PhD program can be found here:

Lindsay Barbieri
PhD Student, Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources
Gund Institute for Ecological Economics | University of Vermont
617 Main Street  Burlington, Vermont 05405 USA
*lindsaybarbieri.com <http://www.lindsaybarbieri.com/>*
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