[Esip-drone] Crowd Sourcing information - send us your links

Wyngaard, Jane R (398M-Affiliate) Jane.R.Wyngaard at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Jun 17 17:34:01 EDT 2016

Hi all,

A quick cluster update for those of you that missed yesterday’s call, and a request for drone links for our NASA intern to utilise:

Open Science Framework
We’ve just started using the ESIP Open Science Framework to host the cluster’s informations, check us out here: https://osf.io/nuvem/
(We’re excited about using this as we can host info, data (DOI’d if you like), software (GitHub integrated), and wikis)

Resource catalogues
You all know we’ve been wanting to build some resources to facilitate scientist starting to use drones, part of that is going to be done by Kush Bhakta – a NASA intern for the summer – he’s exploring 2 research questions and is going to be putting up the results as a resource on the OSF site.

1. Who’s using drones for earth science currently and what/how/why/where are they doing it?
(This will to help facilitate collaboration, spark research ideas, and help us keep track of possible needs and requirements as we’re trying to enable the use of drones for science.

2. What software is out there for processing drone captured data, what formats does it support and what metadata standards does it meet?
(This is to be a resource for a scientists wanting to start using drones to find out what software/practices are available to them)

It’s only been a week and he’s making progress but if anyone else in the community wants to send him information please definitely do so, the more information we have the better

As it’s still very much in development the wiki hosting this data for now is only visible to anyone with the following link.  He whole thing will be made fully public at the summer meeting once it’s more complete.




Jane Wyngaard, Ph.D
Postdoctoral scholar
Instrument software and science data systems Section (398)

University of Southern California
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive MS: 158-256D
Pasadena, CA 91109

Phone:  818/354-6237
Email: Jane.R.Wyngaard at jpl.nasa.gov

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