[Esip-drone] OGC sUAS WG request for comment, and summer workhsop

Jane Wyngaard jwyngaar at nd.edu
Thu Mar 16 17:11:47 EDT 2017

Hi all,

Just to let you know OGC has put out a draft working group charter related
to sUAS data.  They're requesting public comment by 11 April.

It would be great to have this community provide input, Don Sullivan (in
this group) is on that committee so can feed back input directly too so
please cc him in.

Lastly - for anyone who hasn't been able to make the last few telecons
(notes here
- we're planning a semi-formal workshop at the  Summer meeting (on the
preceding Teusday) to start exploring sychronising N.American efforts
around science drone data best practices.

Obviously a formal session will be proposed and advertised in the program
later but we wanted to call attention to this now given the group's broader
influence and possible contacts.  This will just be an initial exploratory
workshop - many relevant players are in DC so we will look to plan
something more formal for the next winter meeting there.

Jane Wyngaard, PhD

Data Science Technologist
Centre for Research Computing
University of Notre Dame
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