[Esip-envirosensing] ESIP Envirosensing Group Update Email: Summer Meeting, Telecon Agena

Fox Peterson fox at tinybike.net
Mon Mar 9 17:57:53 EDT 2015

Hi all,

I just wanted to put out a few quick notes and updates!

First, on the *summer meeting*: We're thinking now about the ESIP summer
meeting (to be held in Asilomar CA the week of July 13) and would like to
have a session there. If you have any ideas for a session that you think
would be informative or interesting, please let me or the group know.

On the same note, would anyone be interested in leading a small group to
organize the summer meeting session? And who is thinking about attending?

Last thing, the next couple of months we'll be having some pretty great
people talk with us, and we'd love to get as many as we can on the telecon
-- 4th Tuesday of each month, 1 PM PST or 4 PM EST. I'm not sure if it's
really clear, but anyone can come listen so if there are people at your
location who might want to tune in, please share the connection information
with them, or have them contact me. Here's what is lined up so far:

*March: *Tom O'Reilly from MBARI(http://www.mbari.org/rd/sensors/sensors.htm)
and a member of the Smart Ocean Sensors Consortium (
https://sites.google.com/site/soscsite/) will speak with us about MMI (
https://marinemetadata.org/) and the PUCK (

*April: *ONSET (Hobo Dataloggers) will share with us (
http://www.onsetcomp.com/) about some of their sensors and software.

*May:* Aquatic Informatics (http://aquaticinformatics.com/) will share with
us about some of their new technology including Aquarius Time Series and
Aquarius Portal (
http://aquaticinformatics.com/products/aquarius-time-series/). (Actually,
the aquatics informatics webpage is a fantastic portal in itself for neat
webinars and white-papers, and if you see anything else on there that
interests you, please let me know and I'll pass on the message!)

*June:* LiCOR (http://www.licor.com/) will share with us about some of
their sensors ans solutions. More information on this to come!


Remember you can always get the most updated Teleconference connection
information here: http://www.esipfed.org/ by scrolling to the "Agenda" part
and clicking on any meeting you might find interesting (such as ours). Or
you can visit our Wiki page here:
http://wiki.esipfed.org/index.php/EnviroSensing_Cluster to catch up on one
you might have missed.

Looking forward to seeing your joyfully connected phone icons on March 24th
at 1 pm PST, 4 pm EST.

Fox Peterson,
Faculty Research Assistant,
Oregon State University and CFSL Forest Science Laboratory

fox at tinybike.net
​Twitter: @a_Fox_box​
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