[Esip-envirosensing] X-DOMES Poster Participation

Janet Fredericks jfredericks at whoi.edu
Wed May 18 10:14:03 EDT 2016

Hi, all,

This year, ESIP is planning "Research As Art" for our poster session.  I 
welcome you all to participate!

I am definitely NOT an artist - so this is really challenging for me.

But, I thought that I would do a multi-media showing images of people 
collecting data and have the images be the art and then tie it into a 
final slide of how the X-DOMES project is Cross-Domain in its approach 
to capturing metadata about how the observations came to be. And, the 
ESIP EnviroSensing Cluster is our Network.

If you have some "brilliant" images representing data collection that 
are fun/beautiful/interesting to add, please contribute (with any 
copyright or permissions that we might need).

The submission is due June 6th!  So we need to get on this immediately 
so our graphics department can work with it to turn our images into art.


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