[Esip-envirosensing] Quick survey about WX sensor data portal design

Scotty Strachan sstrachan at nshe.nevada.edu
Thu May 9 11:17:22 EDT 2024

Dear Envirosensing community,

I’m forwarding a short survey (~ 5 min) from colleagues doing a computer science project at one of my Nevada universities. They seek to discover what users of weather station data would prioritize in a web interface.

This student-driven development project is aimed at people who would use data from or even deploy their own sensors as part of a local (Lake Tahoe) community LoRaWAN infrastructure for climate/science.

Responses from the collection of real sensor science practitioners (yourselves), regardless of where you operate, would be excellent and really help the students out.
They have agreed to let me share the results back to the community here, so some of you may find it useful. The survey will only be open through June 1, so I expect that I will be able to share the results in July/Aug.

It’s not a perfect survey for all things science, but it does provide valuable feedback for the CS folks, and I am trying to help them as a field network collaborator.
See the description and IRB statement below.

Thanks for considering!

Scotty Strachan, Ph.D.
Principal Research Engineer, NevadaNet
System Computing Services, Nevada System of Higher Education
co-PI (Cyberinfrastructure) Nevada NSF-EPSCoR
Research Affiliate, DoE ESNet, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
email: sstrachan at nshe.nevada.edu<mailto:sstrachan at nshe.nevada.edu>
phone: (775) 789-3765
tweets: @ScottySci

From: Sergiu Dascalu <dascalus at unr.edu<mailto:dascalus at unr.edu>>

Dear colleague,

The University of Nevada Reno College of Engineering and climate data collaborators are developing a pilot web portal designed to collect, store, share, and visualize weather data collected via sensors collected via sensors that transmit information using low-power wide area network technology. These low-cost sensors that require minimal power could be useful for researchers and communities interested in better understanding their environments. We are interested in understanding how you interact with environmental data and what features you would find most helpful.

We expect the survey will take you no longer than 15 minutes. We do not anticipate that participating in this survey will have any direct benefit for you, although it will provide valuable information about how the web portal can be as useful as possible. The survey also poses no known risks to you. We will not collect identifiable information, unless you elect to offer your email to participate in future user testing. You may stop taking the survey at any point. If you have any questions or comments about the weather stations, the survey questions, your participation in the survey, or the broader research goals please reach out to Sergiu Dascalu at  dascalus at cse.unr.edu<mailto:dascalus at cse.unr.edu>  or (775) 636-5060.

If you have questions, concerns, or complaints, you can also contact the University of Nevada,  Reno Social Behavioral Institutional Review Board at 775-327-2368 or via the contact form at  https://www.unr.edu/research-integrity/contact .

By taking the survey you agree that:
You are at least 18 years old,
You have read the information above,
You are voluntarily taking the survey.
The survey is available online until June 1, 2024 and you can access it here: https://unr.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9QYBRrUksZgUp9k
Thank you for your participation!
Sergiu Dascalu, PhD
PI, NSF award # 2209806 “CSSI: Elements: Innovating for Edge-to-Edge Climate Services”
Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering
College of Engineering
University of Nevada, Reno, 89557 USA
Email: dascalus at cse.unr.edu<mailto:dascalus at cse.unr.edu>
Phone: (775) 636-5060
PUBLIC RECORDS NOTICE: In accordance with NRS Chapter 239, this email and responses, unless otherwise made confidential by law, may be subject to the Nevada Public Records laws and may be disclosed to the public upon request.
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