[Esip-esda] ESIP ESDA Telecon - We'll be reviewingŠ.

Brand Niemann bniemann at cox.net
Thu Feb 5 15:43:43 EST 2015

What if you let the data tell you what analytics are most appropriate so
each data set is a use case data publication? The Federal Big Data Working
Group Meetup has produced a number of uses cases for past and upcoming
meetups like the ESIP for USDA:


Recommendations: Charting a Faster Course to Analytic Insights



>From Data to Dashboard in Under a Minute



Because Analytics Should Be For Everyone

Business professionals, like you, rely on data to guide your decisions. But
not everyone is an expert in analytics techniques and it can be tough to get


Recommendations from TIBCO SpotfireR uses a built-in analytics intelligence
wizard to enable anyone to create best practice visualizations (or entire
dashboards) in just a couple of clicks - no expertise required.


Finding new business insights just got even easier and faster.


Recommended visualizations appear automatically when you select the data you
want to analyze.


As you select more data, recommended graphs and chart choices update to
reflect best practices for your chosen data, eliminating visualization
selection trial and error.


Previews of your actual data give you a sneak peek into data insights,
jumpstarting your analysis.


When you see a visualization you like, select it and begin your analysis.
Create one, two, or a whole dashboard of connected, interactive
visualizations with just a few simple mouse clicks.




Recommendations is specifically for the everyday business user who relies on
data for discovery and insight to guide business decisions. Recommendations
makes finding value in data easier and faster by using a built-in analytics
intelligence wizard, creating best-practice visualizations for those who
want insight in just a couple of clicks.





From: Esip-esda [mailto:esip-esda-bounces at lists.esipfed.org] On Behalf Of
Kempler, Steven J. (GSFC-5860) via Esip-esda
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 2:38 PM
To: esip-esda at lists.esipfed.org
Subject: [Esip-esda] ESIP ESDA Telecon - We'll be reviewingŠ.


Use Case Information spreadsheet:  









§  WebEx:  <https://esipfed.webex.com/> https://esipfed.webex.com/ ,

§  Telecon: 1-877-668-4493, 23136782#




1.  Discuss Use Case Information Needed.  Continuing our face to face at
ESIP, we decided to build a library of Earth science data analytics use
cases, but first needed to ensure the information requested was clear and
appropriate.  I created a Google Spreadsheet open for review and comments.
Besides the folks who, at the face-to-face, signed up to spend a little time
to review and provide inputs on the spreadsheet, if others wish to be
involved in editing, please send me an e-mail.

2.  Discuss next ESIP Meeting theme:  Earth Science Data Analytics.  Let's
continue the discussion started in January to help the meeting organizers
with gathering speakers, themes orientation for the rest of the Federation,
etc.  I will know more before Thursday.

3.  Open Mic 

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