[Esip-esda] Cementing Data Science as an accredited profession

Stocks, Karen kstocks at ucsd.edu
Thu Jul 30 18:54:02 EDT 2015

Dear ESIP ESDA members,

I know we are all getting overloaded with AGU session announcements, but I though this one was a pretty good fit for the ESDA group, particularly those attending Steve's recent panels at ESIP, so I hope you'll tolerate one more....



As data became more voluminous, science entered a new mode of operation: that of data intensive science. Slowly and often by stealth, a new breed of researcher began to emerge: that of the ‘Data Scientist’ who has expertise in both domain science and elements of computer science. They can communicate in both the science and technical fields and are key to translating the data deluge into new research insights and awesome results. They are integral to any team generating and processing data, and have an essential role in the growing field of interdisciplinary data-driven research.

But Data Scientists remain largely behind-the-scenes...

To raise awareness of the potential and rewards of a career in Data Science we are convening this session at the AGU Fall Meeting 2015. Please come and tell us about:

  *   YOUR story;

  *   The work YOU do;

  *   The courses YOU are running;

  *   Why YOU are hiring data scientists and the training you need them to have.

IN049: Towards a Career in Data Science: Pathways and Perspectives

Session Description:

Data scientists are playing an increasingly prominent role in earth and space sciences informatics, and large geosciences projects in general, yet there are many pathways towards this role. This session will present various perspectives on building a career in data science, including: university programs that provide a degree or specialization, with commentary on the career trajectories of their graduates; early-career scientists with perspectives on how they successfully landed a data science position; mid-career practitioners that have moved from either straight domain science or computer science/IT explaining how they made the transition successfully; managers describing the diversity of data science positions they have and how they hire for them; and late-career professionals reflecting on their accumulated experience and the trends that they see.

Our confirmed Invited Presenters are :

Cyndy Chandler: Information System Specialist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Kerstin Lehnert: Senior Research Scientist, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University

Carole Palmer: Professor, Information School, University of Washington

Read more on: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm15/preliminaryview.cgi/Session8942

Here is a direct link to submit: https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm15/in/papers/index.cgi?sessionid=8555

Please note that abstracts are due by Wednesday, August 5, 2015 at http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2015/abstract-submissions


Karen Stocks, PhD
Director, Geological Data Center
Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Mailing Address:
UCSD MC 0220
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0220
+1 858 534-1898
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