[Esip-machinelearning] Fwd: [agu-essi] Invitation to Participate: Workshop on Knowledge Guided Machine Learning - with applications to weather & climate, hydrology, aquatic sciences, and translational biology
Yuhan Douglas Rao
yuhan.rao at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 20:11:34 EDT 2020
Dear all cluster member,
Below you can find workshop info in August that might be of interest to
you. Hope to see many of you during our cluster session tomorrow!
[image: NCICS] <http://ncics.org/> Yuhan (Douglas) Rao
*Postdoctoral Research Scholar*
North Carolina State University <http://ncsu.edu/>
North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies (NCICS) <https://ncics.org/>
151 Patton Ave, Asheville, NC 28801
e: yrao5 at ncsu.edu
o: +1 828 271 4903
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Imme Ebert-Uphoff <iebert at colostate.edu>
Date: Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 9:21 PM
Subject: [agu-essi] Invitation to Participate: Workshop on Knowledge Guided
Machine Learning - with applications to weather & climate, hydrology,
aquatic sciences, and translational biology
To: AGU-ESSI at googlegroups.com <AGU-ESSI at googlegroups.com>
* Workshop on Knowledge Guided Machine Learning (KGML): A Framework for
Accelerating Scientific Discovery Includes focused sessions on weather &
climate, hydrology and aquatic sciences. Format: 100% virtual, open to
public - available as zoom webinar and as Youtube live stream. Dates:
August 18-20, 2020. (Daily times: 9.30am-12.30 and 1.30-4.30pm CDT) Link to
workshop website (
<https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/kgml/workshop>including the program and
registration) Registration deadline: Aug 11, 2020. Registration is free!
Note: Even if you do not register for the workshop, you will be able to
watch the entire workshop as a live stream (link to live stream will be
available on workshop website) Background: This workshop is part of a
2-year conceptualization project
<https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/kgml/home> funded by the NSF's Harnessing
the Data Revolution (HDR) <https://www.nsf.gov/cise/harnessingdata/>
program involving researchers from the University of Minnesota, University
of Wisconsin, Penn State, Colorado State University, and the University of
Virginia. The workshop will include invited talks and panel discussions
by data scientists (researchers in data mining, machine learning, and
statistics) and researchers from four application areas (aquatic sciences,
hydrology, atmospheric science, and translational biology) to discuss
challenges, opportunities, and early progress in bringing scientific
knowledge to machine learning. In doing so, it aims to foster
interdisciplinary collaborations and interactions among these communities.
The expected outcomes are the identification and greater understanding of
challenges and opportunities in knowledge guided machine learning. The
program includes the following six sessions: Tue, Aug 18: KGML Overview
(am) and Aquatic Sciences (pm) Wed, Aug 19: Hydrology (am) and Weather &
Climate (pm) Thu, Aug 20: Translational Biology (am) and concluding session
(pm) For more information, please visit the workshop website
<https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/kgml/workshop>. With warm regards, The
workshop organizers Vipin Kumar, Elizabeth Barnes, Chris Duffy, Hilary
Dugan, Imme Ebert-Uphoff, Paul Hanson, Kevin Janes, John Nieber, Michael
Steinbach, Aidong Zhang *
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